Time to spin the kooks up again. Melt, kooks, melt.
happy zombie jebus on the cross (aka Rocky BoPeep the Sheep
Rapist, aka PoofterKook), in
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossOn Thu, 4 Jul 2013 06:12:04 +0000 (UTC), [Tor]
Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler
Rocky BoPeep the Sheep Rapist
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossaka bleaty the spanked bitchboi sheep
_ _,.,
(.~`.-. `~,
{ ._, '-. ;
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/o) `~;~` /
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Post by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerTime to spin the kooks up again. Melt, kooks, melt.
happy zombie jebus on the cross (aka Rocky BoPeep the Sheep
Rapist, aka PoofterKook), in
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossOn Wed, 3 Jul 2013 05:44:19 +0000 (UTC), [Tor]
Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler
Rocky BoPeep the Sheep Rapist
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossaka bleaty the spanked bitchboi sheep
_ _,.,
(.~`.-. `~,
{ ._, '-. ;
;`~,_ -'_}.=.
/o) `~;~` /
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; } { jgs /_/_,_}
{,_.{ _; // // |
// // | `"`""""`
Post by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerTime to spin the kooks up again. Melt, kooks, melt.
happy zombie jebus on the cross (aka Rocky BoPeep the Sheep
Rapist, aka PoofterKook), in
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossOn Tue, 2 Jul 2013 04:44:47 +0000 (UTC), [Tor]
Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler
Rocky BoPeep the Sheep Rapist
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossaka bleaty the spanked bitchboi sheep
_ _,.,
(.~`.-. `~,
{ ._, '-. ;
;`~,_ -'_}.=.
/o) `~;~` /
.' o) .`===;`
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; } { jgs /_/_,_}
{,_.{ _; // // |
// // | `"`""""`
Post by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerTime to spin the kooks up again. Melt, kooks, melt.
happy zombie jebus on the cross (aka Rocky BoPeep the Sheep
Rapist, aka PoofterKook), in
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossOn Mon, 1 Jul 2013 04:06:39 +0000 (UTC), [Tor]
Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler
Rocky BoPeep the Sheep Rapist
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossaka bleaty the spanked bitchboi sheep
_ _,.,
(.~`.-. `~,
{ ._, '-. ;
;`~,_ -'_}.=.
/o) `~;~` /
.' o) .`===;`
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} ; '. } / / ;`
; } { jgs /_/_,_}
{,_.{ _; // // |
// // | `"`""""`
Post by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerTime to spin the kooks up again. Melt, kooks, melt.
happy zombie jebus on the cross (aka Rocky BoPeep the Sheep
Fetishist, aka PoofterKook), in
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossOn Fri, 28 Jun 2013 12:36:05 +0000 (UTC), [Tor]
Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler
Rocky BoPeep the Sheep Fetishist
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossaka bleaty the spanked bitchboi sheep
_ _,.,
(.~`.-. `~,
{ ._, '-. ;
;`~,_ -'_}.=.
/o) `~;~` /
.' o) .`===;`
(Y .-' } _.._ ,
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{ . ; } '. `-, ;
;'. { . ; / / /;
} ; '. } / / ;`
; } { jgs /_/_,_}
{,_.{ _; // // |
// // | `"`""""`
Post by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerTime to spin the kooks up again. Melt, kooks, melt.
happy zombie jebus on the cross (aka Rocky BoPeep the Sheep
Fetishist, aka PoofterKook), in
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossOn Fri, 28 Jun 2013 03:46:10 +0000 (UTC), [Tor]
Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler
Rocky BoPeep the Sheep Fetishist
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossaka bleaty the spanked bitchboi sheep
_ _,.,
(.~`.-. `~,
{ ._, '-. ;
;`~,_ -'_}.=.
/o) `~;~` /
.' o) .`===;`
(Y .-' } _.._ ,
`._, ,-' `~-._,_.-~ `',_.` }
`--` _ .- ; .'
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{ ; '._ .' ;
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', , _,-~` ;
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{ . ; } '. `-, ;
;'. { . ; / / /;
} ; '. } / / ;`
; } { jgs /_/_,_}
{,_.{ _; // // |
// // | `"`""""`
Post by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerTime to spin the kooks up again. Melt, kooks, melt.
happy zombie jebus on the cross (aka Rocky BoPeep the Sheep
Fetishist, aka PoofterKook), in
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossOn Thu, 27 Jun 2013 05:23:21 +0000 (UTC), [Tor]
Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler
Rocky BoPeep the Sheep Fetishist
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossaka bleaty the spanked bitchboi sheep
_ _,.,
(.~`.-. `~,
{ ._, '-. ;
;`~,_ -'_}.=.
/o) `~;~` /
.' o) .`===;`
(Y .-' } _.._ ,
`._, ,-' `~-._,_.-~ `',_.` }
`--` _ .- ; .'
;` .' ' ` .--' . }`
{ ; ;
; . .-'- . ' }
{ ; '._ .' ;
; ` ._.' /
', , _,-~` ;
;`~-; }-~-~;` \ '-. `'.
{ . ; } '. `-, ;
;'. { . ; / / /;
} ; '. } / / ;`
; } { jgs /_/_,_}
{,_.{ _; // // |
// // | `"`""""`
Post by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerTime to spin the kooks up again. Melt, kooks, melt.
happy zombie jebus on the cross (aka Rocky BoPeep the Sheep
Fetishist, aka PoofterKook), in
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossOn Wed, 26 Jun 2013 12:11:52 +0000 (UTC), [Tor]
Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler
Rocky BoPeep the Sheep Fetishist
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossaka bleaty the spanked bitchboi sheep
_ _,.,
(.~`.-. `~,
{ ._, '-. ;
;`~,_ -'_}.=.
/o) `~;~` /
.' o) .`===;`
(Y .-' } _.._ ,
`._, ,-' `~-._,_.-~ `',_.` }
`--` _ .- ; .'
;` .' ' ` .--' . }`
{ ; ;
; . .-'- . ' }
{ ; '._ .' ;
; ` ._.' /
', , _,-~` ;
;`~-; }-~-~;` \ '-. `'.
{ . ; } '. `-, ;
;'. { . ; / / /;
} ; '. } / / ;`
; } { jgs /_/_,_}
{,_.{ _; // // |
// // | `"`""""`
Post by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerTime to spin the kooks up again. Melt, kooks, melt.
The Hypoxic Swamp Buzzard Tr!pe, in
Post by Sn!peI've read this before somewhere, but I can't remember where;
can anyone help me, please?
He's admitted to it. His meltdowns are getting more frequent
and more intense, and soon he'll be just like any of the
other kooks who thought they could stand toe-to-toe with
me... he'll be a gibbering loon, completely unintelligible,
and he'll run away. They all do.
That was me, in regards to Rocky the PoofterKook, slapping
knoxy the beard wife in the face with the cold wet fish of
truth, for which you are now melting down because you're so
emotionally fragile.
Did I mention your being in 'auto-froth' mode now, Tr!pey
old bean? Yeah, you are.
Now you'll do something kooky and stupid, like responding to
your own post with more of your obsessive retarded blather.
Watch you don't get so worked up you turn all blue in the
face, Tr!pey old bean... what with your condition and all.
i'll still be here
No, you won't. You'll be so melted down that you'll be lucky
to remember how to turn on your computer, let alone form a
coherent sentence. I've seen it so many times I've lost
count, and *all* of you kooks say the same thing.
Then you all melt down and run away.
i never run away,
You just did, PoofterKook. Now reply to the MIDs you've run
from, or admit you're a fucking coward who ran away after
melting down and spamming your sheep fetishist blather.
Since you're such a coward that you've snipped them all out,
done. go find the post. i made it today.
And spanked yourself soundly by proving you were spamming
your sheep fetishist meltdown screed so much that servers
were dropping your posts.
servers? ppor.
I note that you've thus far failed to contact Ray, so you
can spank yourself for our entertainment, screedy spamming
sheep fetishist kook.
ray runs one server, you said 'servers', bleaty the sheepie.
You sure about that, Clueless Newbie PoofterKook?
you implied
Now you're mind reading again? Is this like when you said if
a woman says "no", she doesn't really mean "no", giving you
carte blanche to go ahead and rape her?
go back and read what i said, sheepshite. note: i said i asked to make sure no meant no. you
continualy fail to address that part every time you bring it up. why is that, spankard?
You said, and I quote, "ray runs one server, you said
I spanked you by proving you're a Clueless Newbie. You tried
to imply that I actually meant something else and that you
were a mind reader, in your desperate attempt to squirm out
of getting spanked. You then tried to conflate "domains"
with "servers", then tried to conflate "servers" with
"domains" in desperate attempts at screeding your way out
from under my boot.
But your desperate defensive attempts at deflecting
attention from your current spank and back onto your past
(and ongoing) spank is noted. Why are you such a coward that
you're still running from the truth, PoofterKook?
rejected. you took to far to long to work out how to try and bullshite your way out of it.
Says the kook who's so stupid he thinks that just by meekly
mewling out his butthurt "rejected" in his squeaky castrato
voice, he's somehow escaped getting spanked to tears again,
as his tears roll down his cheeks.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossservers beyond eternal-september.org, sheepie. tell me about
those servers and not mr banana republics toy server.
Stop trying to deflect attention away from the fact that you
got spanked to tears, melted down, spammed your sheep rape
fetish, got Cleanfeed filtered, and are now melting down a
third time, PoofterKook.
'bleat bleat the same spam crap again bleat &c'
SPNAK! SPNAK! The same spankage on the retarded cowardly
kook in denial.
That's right, Sheeple, continue proving you're nothing more
than a spanked-to-stupidity kook who's been corralled and
branded by your Usenet Lord and Master.
You're *my* kook now, PoofterKook. And you'll melt down for
my entertainment until you've barfed up every last bit of
kookfoam you've got and your dehydrated body collapses in
upon itself, a mere empty husk, dead from your squawking
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerStop running away from all the spanks you've got coming,
cowardly kook, and you might find peace.
you claim i'm replying to your every post and i am running away. explain how that works in your
k00ky logic, you delusional spanked hesheepie?
You're running away from the spanks you know you've got
coming to you by avoiding like the plague contacting Ray
Banana to prove yourself a spammer. In so proving yourself a
spammer, you'd also prove you were spamming your sheep rape
fetish spams because you were melting down. And in so
proving you were melting down, you'd also prove you were
melting down because I'm kicking the living crap out of you.
After I've forced you to do the above (and you will), you'll
run away from me *and* your spanks. Cowards run, it's what
you do, Cowardly Spankard Melting Sheep Raping PoofterKook.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossjust because you cannot afford a server with decent retention
time is not proof.
Retention time's got nothing to do with it, Clueless Newbie
kook. You got Cleanfeed filtered because you were spamming.
You were spamming because you were melting down.
Cleanfeed doesn't lie, but kooks like you who are
desperately trying to avoid taking the spanks they've got
coming to them for being screedy spamming sheep fetishist
perverts sure do lie, deny and try to divert attention away
from their meltdowns.
being so honest, tell me more about these 'servers' you mentioned.
See above, Spankard Clueless Newbie PoofterKook.
all on the same domain, spanky, that's not what you meant.
Says the psychic guy who says he can rape women because when
they say "no", really "that's not what they meant".
address the part, which you fail to every time you bring it up, about
checking no means no, you sorry arsed spanked by his own stupidity spankard.
You never said that.
You said, and I quote, "is that like the girly no when you
ask them if they want sex and really they do?"
IOW, you said you were a mind reader, that you knew better
what those women you were going to rape meant than they
did... and thereby, when you heard "no", you knew they meant
"really they do"... so you had no reason to stop, rapist.
rejected. where is the rest of what i said from the same paragraph, spanky?
The rest doesn't matter because you're lying about what
you'd said. If you weren't lying about what you'd said,
you'd be providing MIDs and direct quotes of your words, but
I notice you didn't do that... your tacit admission to lying
in order to try to squirm out of getting spanked to tears
yet again.
You made the admission, and now you're running away from
your own words, in direct quotes. You and knoxy are both
doing that, because you're both spankard kooks.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossit just proves you cannot afford a decent quality news server.
Sure I can. I choose not to. It's more fun watching you
idiots too stupid to set up proper anonymity being forced to
pay (and thereby outing yourselves to your NSP, and hoping
they don't accidentally or intentionally out you), just to
be nutkicked into meltdown after meltdown, all while
stupidly relying upon and trusting your NSP to provide your
privacy, not realizing they'll roll over on you at the drop
of a subpoena. And all without my having to pay a dime...
the best entertainment value ever.
you're a cowardly pauper who is scared of being held
accountable for your words and actions. you are a
sorry arsed cowardly spankard. simples.
Says the spankard kook who's just been spanked yet again.
what does your reply have to do with you being a cowardly pauper who is scared of being held
accountable for your words and actions, kenny the usenet chav?
More spanked fanfic from the poofterkook who's melting down.
iow you cannot answer the question.
Answer a ficticious fan screed? Why, when I can just watch
you continue to melt down?
rejected. the only fan you have is yourself which is sad as its obvious you don't like yourself.
Fanfic, ironically.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerNothing more, nothing less.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerSPNAK!
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
"I know it's a retarded name that doesn't have any meaning,
but I'm too stupid to think of a good one. Now he's really
pissing me off by calling me 'Rocky BoPeep the Sheep
Fetishist'. I'm so close to going postal it's scary. I need
another lithium."
i see, 'poofterkook' is the epitome of originality. you're
full of shite, spankard.
Projection. Because to a spankard kook, the word jumble
nonsensical 'hesheepi' is so much more "original" than the
truthy PoofterKook or the very accurate 'Rocky BoPeep the
Sheep Fetishist'.
i do like the way you try and spin your bleating and me
calling you a sheep into me being a sheep feteshist.
Says the guy continually posting pictures of his regular
Saturday night 'thang', while talking about sheep and
Wellington boots.
refering to you as a bleating sheep really does upset you.
No, it just proves you've morphed your sexual attraction
toward men into a sexual attraction toward sheep. Now you're
attempting to use your suddenly-acquired sheeply
predilections as a basis for playing come-hither with men,
because your attraction to sheep is just a cover for you
being a giant poofter, but you'd rather be known as a
sheepraper than a fag. Such is the labyrinthine logic of a
kook cockknocker like you.
that was a lot of bleating to tell me about how much it doesn't upset you, sheepie the usenet chav.
Yours wasn't a lot of bleating to prove the truth of my
words, Rocky BoPeep the Sheep Rapist.
tell me some more about how you are not at all upset and bleating, hesheepie.
Says the bleating kook who's still mixing his sheep rape
fantasies and his gay fantasies.
That's right, you continue to prove you're a bleating kook
who's still mixing his sheep rape fantasies and his gay
Does that brand I burnt into your side to prove my pwnership
of you hurt you much, bleating Sheeple? You seem to be
bleating in pain more than usual lately.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossso it stays in use. bleat as much as you
want about it.
Who's bleating, Rocky BoPeep the Sheep Rapist?
you and a lot of it you do.
Says the bleating kook in the midst of his third meltdown.
make your mind up, you dizzy blond bimbo, am i about to start, started or well on my way to melting?
you are incapable of making up your mind.
That you have no conception of the passing of time, noted.
That's a classic symptom of bipolar disease, btw.
You are in the incipient stages of your third meltdown,
which promises to be huge. You're such a kook I may be able
to force you into your fourth meltdown on another topic
while your third is still ongoing... eventually, you'll be
melting down like this perpetually.
rejected. mini melt down to say i'm melting.
You're trying desperately to tamp down your propensity to
screed, PoofterKook, just as you'd tried in the past to tamp
down your being a raging poofter... and you just couldn't
keep it together, you melted down and spewed out one long
uber-gay squawk to relieve the pressure.
And you'll do the same with your melting down. You'll
explode with foam, it's only a matter of time.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossyou do realize that by calling me one, you are admiting
to being a sheep.
It's not my picture you're posting ASCII-art of, SpankTard.
Unless you're saying you view men as wooly potential sexual
partners, that you've somehow linked your attraction to men
and your attraction to sheep. Are you really that
brain-fucked and gay, PoofterKook?
bleating about how much you dislike it
Says the bleating kook.
And thereby proving my words above to be absolutely true.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crosswhen i reply to you as it sums you up to a t.
Projection, Rocky BoPeep the Sheep Rapist.
accept your spank,
There's nothing to accept, Spankard Kook Beginning His Third
are you sure about that? you seem to change your mind on that from post to post.
Says the kook who doesn't know what the word 'incipient'
rejected. no releation to question asked.
See the spankage you received in this regard above, melting
kook in the incipient stages of his third meltdown.
Reading comprehension problems noted. Is that caused by your
miswired-brain-caused dyslexia, your miswired-brain-caused
retardation, or your miswired-brain-caused predilections for
raping men and sheep, Cowardly Brainfucked Retarded Sheep
Raping PoofterKook?
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crosshark ewe, you know you like it, otherwize you'd hop, skip and mince off and ignore me.
You desperately wish I'd ignore you, but until you learn to
accept the spanks you've got coming to you for being so very
stupid, gay, perverted and spammy, that'll never happen...
you'll just be forced into meltdown after meltdown forever.
rejected. bleating, pkb and mini meltdown.
Cowardly projection, noted, Screed Machine Who Mewls "PKB!
PKB!" As He Melts Down.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerThat wasn't nearly as entertaining as you'd advertised. Try
harder, you lazy piece of shit kook.
You lazy piece of shit failure.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossi don't need to run and hide. i'm to good at this game.
"i'm to good at this game"
Bwahahaha! Nice self-spank, stupid.
how so?
And he's so stupid he just keeps spanking himself.
if only you had the ability to look at your posts with an
open mind and objective view and see what we see.
Well, I don't see what you see because I'm not a delusional
kook like you. I don't look at men and see wooly potential
sexual partners like you do, I don't think of wearing
Wellington boots to keep sheep from running away like you've
admitted to doing, I'm not into fisting, gay cherry popping,
object insertion, anal rape, your favorite newsgroup for (to
quote you) "closeted homosexuals with strong BDSM
tendencies" and all the things you've continually posted
about in your quest to use usenet as your personal poofter
dating service.
whatever i have done, it sure seems to have upset ewe.
Yeah, you raping sheep *would* upset the ewes... seeing
their ram getting violently violated would be upsetting to
you obviously like being raped on useent, hesheepie, as you keep replying to me and asking for more.
More homosexual ideation, noted, PoofterKook.
more clueless bleating about not knowing what rape is.
More bleating from the sheep rapist, Rocky BoPeep.
That's right, Rocky BoPeep the Bleating Sheep Rapist. You're
a sheep raping kook. Good of you to admit it.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crosshow come you are so easy to see in the dark with your spanked arse shining like rudolphs nose?
Delusional fanfic and projection.
Says the bleating spankard kook.
That's right, Rocky BoPeep the Bleating Sheep Rapist. You're
a bleating spankard kook. Good of you to admit it.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerIs this your best attempt at beating me? Because it's
how embarrasing for you that 'pathetic' is more than enough to beat the stuffing out of ewe,
No, it's not. You're the one in meltdown mode, you're the
one running like a coward from the proof of your spamming
your sheep fetish, you're the one denying your own words,
you're the one trying to redefine words to avoid the pain of
getting spanked to blisters.
rejected. mini meltdown and babblek00king.
Says the delusional kook who believes if he meekly mewls out
a "rejected" in his squeaky castrato voice, he'll stop
crying himself to sleep at night.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossoh how you'd laugh, like i and everyone else does.
Oh, I do... I laugh at your spamming, screedy sheep
fetishist meltdowns all the time. You're the screediest,
spammingest, meltiest, most sheep fetishistiest retarded
kook to blank-mindedly wander his way into AUK in a long
Eventually, I'll get you spinning so fast that you outdo
even Mr. Screed himself, Arfatzio. Count on it, kook.
you took the brown acid, didn't you.
I don't know what that is. That you do says something not so
good about you.
Did I tell you it says something not so good about you,
PoofterKook? Yeah I did.
Did I tell you that you were just admitting to one more
thing that proves you're a low-rent trailer trash
unemployable pissbum, PoofterKook? Yeah I did.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossexplain how there is no joke, you clueless bimbo.
You made what you claim is a joke, you explain how there is
a joke, stupid. DYOFDW.
load your favourate search engine and look up 'brown acid'. hth.
"brown acid: Diarrhea that makes one's asshole burn."
So, kook who apparently has first hand experience in eating
brown acid mudslides, do you chug it from a cup, or just
slurp it as it comes out?
So you're tacitly admitting to being a butt-snorkeling
shit-eating kook? Is that the joke?
Yeah, you're right, that *is* a funny one.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Considering that I'm young, I run my own life, and I answer
young and stupid like most ankle biters.
Kicking your ass so hard you've melted down twice now, and
ran away once.
post proof or retract.
Already done, PoofterKook.
you've not posted proof of anything,
And you've thus far failed to contact Ray to self-spank. Why
are you so very cowardly, PoofterKook?
tell me more about these 'servers' you talked about, spankard.
See above, Clueless Newbie Spankard PoofterKook.
you bleating about one domain.
And multiple servers, thereby spanking you into this, your
third meltdown.
rejected. its all on the same domain. work it out, its not that hard. all you are whinging about is
a triviality hoping to save your arse.
Your continued failed attempts to conflate "domains" and
"servers", noted, stupid bleating spankard kook who's
continuing to prove he's not only a coward too weak to
accept the spanks he's got coming, but that he's a Clueless
Newbie retard, too.
rejected. bleating and far to late to try and bullshite your way out of it, it is still all on the
same domain.
He says, still trying desperately to escape being shown as a
Clueless Fucking Retard, as he attempts to conflate
"servers", "domains" and "services", then desperately
backpedaling from it, getting defensive about it, and crying
bitter tears over his being torturously spanked for being so
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossrejected. fox 'hesheepie' mulder is scared of the truth.
Continued denial of the truth, noted.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossnow. tell me about the other servers (you seem to think
i was) shitcanned by.
See above, retarded kook. Your failed attempts to connote
"servers" with "domains" is noted and laughed at, though.
How many servers does Google.com have, PoofterKook?
How many domains is Google.com, PoofterKook?
See the difference? Of course you do... but you're
desperately grasping at every straw you can find or
manufacture to try to wriggle out of your getting spanked.
rejected. google runs different services. not the same thing at all, you sorry flailing hesheepie
spanked k00k.
And now you're trying to conflate "services" with "servers"
with "domains", thereby proving you're a flailing kook
desperately trying to avoid the pain of the spanks you've
got coming to you on this topic, Clueless Newbie Spankard
Spamming Melting Kook.
For fuck's sake, PoofterKook, do you really think anyone's
buying your retarded bullshit? You're just proving yourself
to be more and more retarded with every word you type.
rejected. (another) mini meltdown bleating and claiming different services are the same as a news
Spanking you by proving you're a retarded kook who can't
tell the difference between the words he uses isn't a
meltdown, you unabashedly witless half-witted fuckwit.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerDid you contact Ray Banana yet so you can self-spank and
prove you're a spamming kook who got caught spamming his
sheep rape fetish spam, Rocky BoPeep the Sheep Rapist?
rejected. already spammed bleating.
Your admission to being not only a melting kook and a
spamming retard, but a craven coward, noted.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crosswould you like to bet your house on it?
I don't need to bet any of the houses I own, you've already
lost. You're just too stupid to realize it yet. Besides,
you're a month-to-month rent pissbum, you don't have a house
to bet.
if i have lost
And you have.
See your spankage above, you fucking retard.
all i see is you bleating, hesheepie.
My dissemination of the truth about your being a melting
kook, a spamming retard and a craven coward isn't me
bleating. In fact, you're not only a melting kook, a
spamming retard and a craven coward, you're also a bleating
pwned sheeple, as you've proven above, and just 12 lines
below. Look for the <snicker>.
And those are your *good* qualities.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crosshow come i am still here giving ewe better than what i am recieving?
Because you're a sheep raping poofterkook, and apparently
the ram isn't that interested in you.
go on, tell me about how you're not an upset raped on usenet hesheepie. i could do with another
Says the kook who got caught spamming his sheep rape fetish
spam, and is now desperately running away like a fucking
coward from the spanks he's got coming to him, while
screeding like a spanked bitch.
rejected. more bleating of the same worn out bleat.
See 17 lines above, bleating spankard melting spamming
craven cowardly PoofterKook.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wranglerkicking the living shit out of you.
The ram is
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossfailing to hold up your end of things. i'm dissapointed in ewe.
You should be disappointed in the ram, Rocky BoPeep the
Sheep Rapist.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossmy. what do we have here?
original: appart from proving you have no idea how to run with the big
boys in the flame ng's.
that alone says you have lost, you post editing spankard.
Who was post editing, Clueless Newbie PoofterKook? I didn't
change your words. But thanks for proving you're so stupid
you don't even know what post-editing is, stupid.
i didn't say 'big flaming faggots',
But you think about it. All the time, PoofterKook.
All of your posts in which you brought up gay cherry
popping, anal fisting, object insertion, your friend who you
knew well enough to know he was an anal rapist, your fruity
children's books you admitted turned you into a swishing
poofter, your favorite (to quote you) "newsgroup for
homosexuals with strong BDSM tendencies", your running from
being proven to be a poofter by suddenly adoping your sheep
raping fetish, then attempting to use that as an excuse to
allow you to continue to fantasize about your raping men by
claiming men were sheep... shall I go on? Do you want the
MIDs so we can accelerate your meltdown, or will you quietly
limp away from this, your ongoing spank?
rejected. slightly longer bleaty meltdown.
Your being spanked into near silence by the truth I post
about you isn't bleating or a meltdown, Spankard Kook... but
it sure as hell is effective, eh?
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerDo the attributions say you said that, PoofterKook? No? Then
accept this, your ten thousandth spank.
You claimed I post-edited. That entails changing the words
that are attributed to a person. I did no such thing.
Therefore, you were spanked. And now you're denying it
because you're a kook who's melting down.
"I need another brown acid mudslide... where's Checkmate?"
Nobody cares that you're a shit chugging poofterkook by your
own admission, Shit Chugging PoofterKook. There are plenty
of other reasons to hate you. Like your desire to rape
sheep. Or you swishy lisping. Or that you're entire houso
smells like ass, stale spunk and sheep shit. Or your
cowardice. Or your spamming. Or your being an unemployable
mooch. Or that the only way you can be intimate with your
beard wife is if she wears a strap-on and a wool sweater,
and goes "Baaa".
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerYeah, you're right, I don't want to learn how to "run" with
you, big flaming faggot. That'd make me just as gay as you,
and I don't swing your way.
you cannot learn something you already know and are.
stop runing away from what you don't like about yourself.
More projection.
rejected. you are incapable of admiting to any of your innumerable character (i'm being generous
saying you have a character) flaws.
Even more projection, and denial... all hallmarks of a kook
in meltdown mode.
rejected. far to many mini meltdowns in one post to have any credibility. not that you have any
This is what I've reduced you to... all you can do is mewl
out your meek whispered "rejected" in your squeaking,
begging, castrato tone, and melt down, spam your sheep and
gay fetishes, desperately deny your having done so, and cry
bitter tears.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerStarting your wishlist for your "newsgroup for homosexuals
with strong BDSM tendencies", PoofterKook? Don't forget to
add "sheep who are too retarded to run away" to your
wishlist... you've already amply demonstrated your desire in
that regard. Then you could throw away your Wellington
boots. They're filled with sheep shit anyway.
you do like to show how much i got to you, here you are,
harping on about old news
Your wearing Wellington boots for your pastoral
predilections is old news, Rocky BoPeep the Sheep Rapist? So
you've been at your sheep shagging for quite a while then,
per your own admission.
i have been happily fucking you on usenet for a while now,
sheepie, and you have been bleating about
how much ewe love it, you shamless slut.
Your mixing your sheep rape fetish and your poofterism,
noted, Rocky BoPeep the Sheep Rapist, aka PoofterKook.
'bleat bleat repetative spam reply bleat &c.'
Your going into your "bleat bleat" routine because you've
been otherwise spanked into silence, noted.
rejected. bleating about his bleating.
Says the one who's bleating. And the only thing he can bleat
is a weak "rejected" in the hopes that him lisping it will
somehow make it magically come true.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerBut it's still fun watching you squirm as the world yet
again learns of the UK sheep rapist pissbum who would be
king of New Zealand under different circumstances.
what 'squirming'?
See above, squirming kook.
i just see you bleating, hesheepie.
rejected. no idea what projection is and never posting any proof you do, hesheepie.
Your admission to having no idea of what you're doing,
noted. The rest of your poorly constructed tardbabble
doesn't make enough sense to warrant a reply to a retard
like you.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossall i see is you bleating about being a raped sheepie.
You just can't stop displaying your sheet rape fetish and
poofterism, can you?
while you cannot help but complain about being a raped on usenet spamming hesheepie.
You *do* realize your own words aren't exactly doing much to
make you look like anything other than a sheep raping,
cowardly, melting spankard kook, yeah?
tell me some more about how i didn't get to and upset you, reaped on ewesernet and raped hesheepie?
Says the spankard kook who's so upset that all he can do is
bawl out "rejected, rejected, rejected" as he covers his
ears in a futile attempt at quieting the voices screaming at
him from inside his badly damaged skull.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wranglerto no one, I'll be here long after you kooks have lost your
last marbles and taken the Smith and Wesson retirement plan
option, PoofterKook.
time will tell, spanky. i wouldn't bet your pension pot on it.
Yeah, time always does... and each and every time, it's been
you kooks who ran away. Every. Single. Time.
You think about that when you're ready to start your third
you have no idea what a meltdown is.
A meltdown is that which you've just done, which I forced
you to prove, SpankTard.
explain to me what a meltdown is
A meltdown is that which you did, SpankTard. You were
spamming so much you got Cleanfeed filtered, and you were
spamming because you were melting down.
If you want to try to prove me wrong, you'll be forced to go
begging to Ray Banana, who'll spank you with the truth...
then you'll melt down. And I'll laugh. Same as with
Arfatzio, same as with Fred Hall. Been there, done that,
several times.
Be getting right on spanking yourself into your next
meltdown, coward.... or continue to run away, thereby
proving yourself to be a yellow bellied cowardly kook.
you still haven't explained what a meltdown is.
I just did, stupid. That you missed it is proof that you're
retarded and in denial.
you didn't explain anything. go into detail, spare none and explain what a meltdown is.
I just did, stupid. That you missed it again is proof that
you're retarded and in denial.
you failed to explain anything, you just waffled more of the same regurgitated spam crap.
Your admission that you're too retarded to find it, and too
much in denial to admit it even if you did find it, noted,
Cowardly Melting Spankard Kook.
Did you contact Ray Banana yet, so you can self-spank,
rejected. humping the same tired bleat and boring crap.
Your continuing admission to being a fucking coward running
away from the spank you know you've got coming to you for
being a spamming retard, noted.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossand btw explain how one tin pot server becomes 'servers'. tia.
See above, Rocky BoPeep the Sheep Rapist.
one shitty domain, fuckwit, that's not what you meant. now tell me about the other servers.
Your failed attempt at conflating "domain" and "server",
noted, squirming kook attempting desperately to avoid
getting spanked even further.
rejected. same spammy reply, yet again.
Spanking you for repeatedly trying the same kook tactic,
thinking "This time, it's just *gotta* work!" isn't
"spammy", retarded spanked cowardly kook.
"Damn it! He just won't let up! He's continually kicked my
ass so hard that I now wipe the back of my neck. Soon, I'll
be so ass-kicked that I'll be able to consume my own brown
acid mudslides just by letting it slide down my face and
into my mouth."
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerDid I mention you're failing desperately at avoiding getting
you talk about your 'dreams' so often. why is that?
He says, as he continues getting spanked to blisters.
rejected. failure to answer the question.
He says, tears flowing like a river down his face because of
his getting non-stop spanked.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossas you seem to have a very different view of what
the accepted view is.
The "accepted view" is that you were spamming essentially
identical articles far in excess of the BI threshold, and
Cleanfeed labeled you a spammer, dropping those spammed
articles into the bit bucket. But of course, you're going to
go get Ray to "prove me wrong", right?
Get right on that, SpankTard. I look forward to your third
i don't give a shit what a toy news server admin has to say,
Your running from the truth of your melting down so badly
that you were spamming to such an extent that your posts
were Cleanfeed filtered, noted.
go pay for a real news server, kenny the hesheepie chav. stop using a toy one run by a cretin with a
god complex with his idea of what usenet should and shouldn't be.
Your continued failed attempts at diverting attention away
from the fact that you got spanked into melting down,
spammed your sheep rape fetish, got Cleanfeed filtered, and
are now melting down because of it, noted.
more 'bleat cleanfeed bleat fetish bleat rape bleat bleat &c.'
More of your admission that you've been otherwise spanked
into stunned silence, noted.
Your continued pathetic failed attempts at diverting
attention away from the fact that you got spanked into
melting down, spammed your sheep rape fetish, got Cleanfeed
filtered, and are now melting down because of it, noted.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossthey're limited on resourses and from experience, are run
by anal retentives. i want to know how one toy server
become 'servers'. now _THAT_ is of interest.
See your spank above, spankard kook.
you have to do it to claim it, kenny the pauper who cannot afford areal news server.
See your spanks (plural) above, spankard kook.
you mean the ones i gave you? no thanks. i don't live on past glories.
Where've you ever spanked me, PoofterKook? You're a
delusional kook, you're too stupid and demented to ever
spank anyone.
rejected. projection.
Truth cannot be projection, Clueless Sheep Raping Spankard
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerSays the only guy in this conversation who got Cleanfeed
filtered for spamming because he was melting down so badly.
how many 'servers' would that be on, spanky?
See your spank above, spankard kook.
you have to do it to claim it, kenny the pauper who cannot afford areal news server.
See your spanks (plural) above, spankard kook.
i already told you, i don't live on past glorys of spanking you. i look twards further spanking you.
See above, spankard.
do i look like jethero tull?
No, you look like you fell out of the ugly tree, smacked
every branch with your face on the way down, and landed in a
pile of shit and jagged rocks, then caught a flesh-eating
disease. A rat gnawing on your face as you lie unconscious
and spooge-drunk in the gutter of Canal Street could only
improve your looks.
And gay? Yeah you are... are you *sure* you've never sat on
a live grenade to save the others in your kook platoon?
And retarded? Yeah you are... I'd drive you to suicide, but
then the title of "King of the Retarded Shit Eating
PoofterKooks" would pass to your son, and he doesn't deserve
that. Yet.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossi told you, st00pid k00k, i don't live in the past.
Every time I spank you to tears, you end up pissing yourself
in public. It's getting to be ridiculous.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerSay the kook who will be remembered as a kook, a coward, a
poofter, and a sheep fetishist.
if i'm rememberd or not is immaterial. you will be forgotten
like so many before you and like those that will follow.
But you'll be remembered as a kook, a coward, a poofter, and
a sheep fetishist. And when everyone's laughing at your
tenth meltdown and commenting that you sure are a melty
little fuckwit, they'll remember who did it to you. Me.
who would these 'everyone' people be who would laugh and
comment on this imaginary 'meltdown' you keep fantasizing
about? would that be the imaginary wife and children you
keep locked up in your head?
Awww, he's so spanked he's forced to resort to fanfic.
iow you have no reply. what a suprize. NOT.
Fanfic is that which you did, retard. Fanfic is that which
all spanked kooks do when they've got nothing else.
like everything you bleat about knowing, you have no idea what fanfic is.
stop runing away and explain what it is or admit you have no idea.
Failed attempt at deflection and projection.
you have yet to explain what 'fanfic' is and obviously cannot answer a simple question.
I just did, above, you retarded kook. That you're too stupid
to find it, and too cowardly to admit having found it should you
ever do so, noted.
rejected. failure, once again, to expain what 'fanfic' is.
See above, retarded kook too stupid to find it, and too
cowardly to admit having found it should you ever do so.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerBut your projection was nice. A bit typical for you, but at
least you keep letting everyone know I'm winning.
you misspelt 'whining',
Ok, "But your whining was nice."
Happy now, Spankard PoofterKook?
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossand yes, everyone can see it for themselves.
They sure can, Spankard PoofterKook.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
A nym. That can be changed on a whim. Whereas your meltdowns
are eternally tied to your real-life identity. And when the
time is right...
i see. you are a cowardly nym shifter who's scared to be a
associtated with his own actions, words
and consequences. no surprize there, spanked coward.
You have no idea what a 'nym shifter' is, do you,
PoofterKook? Aka meowmix, aka Rockybot.exe, aka spooge, aka
*sniggers* ^^^^^^
Newsgroups: alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk
You were saying, nym shifting SpankTard?
In fact, at one time you were using meowmix, Rockybot.exe,
Rocky, rocky, spooge and 'rocky or is it spooge?' all at the
same time, in the same thread, nym-shifting spankard kook.
*sigh* poor newbie. everyone who isn't a k00k is spooge.
buy got so confuzed by it, he ended up in a flame war
with the owner of the domain.
Your admission to being a nym-shifting spankard kook is
Your drug-addled confusion, noted, Rocky BoPeep the Sheep
i didn't hide who i was, spanked hesheepie.
That's right, you try to hide the fact that you're a
retarded, drug-addled, spammy, melting, spankard kook... but
you're far too retarded to keep that under wraps.
rejected. pkb, general laming and bleating.
Says the kook demonstrating that he still has no clue what a
PKB is, as he denies the truth about himself by bleating out
his mewling castrato "rejected" screed.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossall of which are easily traced back to me, the sig is a big giveaway.
Which nyms are you purporting me to have nym shifted to so
frequently that I'd be classified as a 'nym shifter',
Spankard Kook?
who said 'frequently'?
Your admission that you have no idea what the definition of
"nym shifter" is, noted, Clueless Newbie Nym Shifting
Spankard Sheep Raping PoofterKook.
if you are that upset about being raped on usenet, sheepie, phone the police. 911.
Homosexual ideation, noted, PoofterKook.
iow you don't want your humiliation to escape off of usenet.
Says the humiliated spankard kook who's using every kook
trick in the book in his desperate bid to avoid the pain of
getting spanked repeatedly. And failing badly at it.
rejected. projection.
Awww, PoofterKook learned a new trick... and knowing that
none of his old ones work, his new failure is the only one
he's trying.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossewe being raped and humiliated on ewesernet, raped and humiliated on ewesernet heesheepie. duh.
Says the PoofterKook, admitting to his fantasies of raping
men and sheep.
Where's that list of "(almost all) of those nyms", Clueless
Newbie Nym-Shifting Cowardly Spankard Sheep Raping
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossdo it, phone 911 now and tell them about how you've been raped on usenet.
Homosexual ideation and avoidance of providing proof because
you're a spankard kook, noted.
iow you don't want your humiliation to escape off of usenet.
Says the humiliated spankard kook who's using every kook
trick in the book in his desperate bid to avoid the pain of
getting spanked repeatedly. And failing badly at it.
"I'm so spanked I'm reduced to this one failure of a kook
trick, but I'm giving it the old college try in spamming it
all to hell. Not that I ever went to college, I'm so stupid
I only finished grade school last year. Well... not exactly
'finished grade school'... they kicked me out for raping the
little lambs."
"See? I'm so spanked I'm spamming the same failed kook trick
again and again... that'd be because I'm a kook, *and* a
confirmed spammer."
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crosson a dusty web page listing k00ks and awards won.
And it won't be linked to me at all. Because by then, I'll
have moved to another nym. Meanwhile, you'll have all of
your meltdowns and embarrassing failures documented under
your real name, widely published, and heartily laughed at.
and my real name is..?
In due time. You have more meltdowns to provide for our
entertainment first.
who is this 'our'? do you have mpd?
You can't see that everyone's laughing at you? Everyone
who's not jumping to your defense, and the number of people
doing that is dwindling.
i don't need anyone to jump to my defence.
Says the kook who's getting the living shit kicked out of
i do like it when who i'm raping on usenet make a feeble
attempt to fight me off, it just makes it... so much more
enjoyable. 'i like it when a girl says 'no''. <*sniggers*>
Your admission to raping women, despite them telling you
"no", noted. Now go admit to Knoxy that you're a rapist of
men, women and sheep, Rocky BoPeep the Sheep Rapist.
lofl. you really do not get sarcasm and ridicule at all. *snort*
Sure I do... sarcasm and ridicule are that which I visit
upon you to force you into continuing your meltdown,
Spankard Melting Spamming Cowardly Sheep Raping PoofterKook.
tell me again how much didn't i get to ewe and upset your ickle fweelings, shirley sheepshite?
Says the spankard kook who's had his delicate flower
feelings so hurt that he's melting down, spamming his sheep
rape fetish, denying it all, then spamming his kookscreed in
a failed attempt at covering over the fact that he got
spanked into melting down and spamming his sheep rapist
fetish screed.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossyou are being dog piled because you are a k00ky twat
and they smell your blood in the air.
No, they're desperately trying to defend the runt of their
feel free to believe that, you belive all the other crap you spew.
Direct quotes from you aren't "crap", PoofterKook, it's
truth that you run from.
any spanked twat, which you prove, can take things out of context.
How does one take out of context your saying that when you
ask a woman if she wants sex and she says "no", that you
know better, and "really she does", kook?
It was a direct quote, and now you're so deep in denial,
you're trying to deny your own words.
I did that to you. I spanked you so hard, damaged your
fragile little psyche so badly that you're now doing all the
pathetic tricks that spanked kooks do.
rejected. mini meltdown and bleatathon.
"Don't mind me, I'm just proving my Usenet Lord and Master's
pwnership of me."
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossits on deja, dive deep enough and you'll find it.
i couldn't care less if you posted it. it is known
to many here already.
Oh, you'll care. They always do... usually a meltdown
accompanied by a flounce.
why should i suddenly care?
Why does any kook "suddenly care", then meltdown and
why would i care if you found and posted my rl name?
Did I say that? Or are you just paranoid, Paranoid Clueless
Newbie Nym Shifting Cowardly Spankard Sheep Raping
tell me some more about how you didn't like being raped on usenet, sheepie.
Homosexual ideation, noted, PoofterKook. You just can't stop
outing yourself, can you?
bleat some more about how you are not upset and crying about it.
rejected. no idea what projection is or proof of knowing ever provided.
From now on, every time you mewl out your squeaky-voiced
castrato "rejected" poofterscreed, it stands as your tacit
admission that you know you've been spanked so hard that you
have no refutation, no comeback, just a pathetic simpering
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossyou seem to think i should care if you found it
whilst on one of your deja dances and posted it.
Says the kook who's wasted entire days YouTube diving to
find those special and especially poofterific videos that
portray his innermost poofterific personality, because he's
too stupid to do so himself.
you're still upset by them. get over it.
If "upset" = "laughing at the lisping poofter", yeah.
explain how one 'lisps' in a text medium, cluless spankard.
It's not easy, but you've managed to pull it off, Lisping
Limp-Wristed PoofterKook.
rejected. failure to explain text 'lisps'.
SPNAK! on the kook spamming his latest failed kook tactic.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerNow you scramble back to the 'safety' of your sheep rape
fetish so no one will know you're really a fart knocking
kook... you know you want to, PoofterKook.
tell me, yet again, how ewe didn't get upset and had to bleat about it.
Says the bleating spankard PoofterKook, after he got spanked
into melting down, spammed his sheep rape fetish, then
denied it, ran away from consulting the one person who could
prove it, screeded mightily in a failed attempt at covering
it up, and is now reduced to mewling "Bleat!" with a lisp,
and keening out his castrato "rejected" while hoping that
his just saying so will make it magically true.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerYou can't win. You're fighting a ghost. You haven't landed
even one punch, while I've been using your head as a
punching speed bag. You're just too retarded to realize
it... yet.
being a 'ghost' how could you possibly use my head as a
'punching speed bag'? you really are full of k00k shite.
Says my punching speed bag.
you evaded the question,
No, I answered it, you're just too stupid to realize it.
That might be because it's hard for you to read my posts
when your head's whipping back and forth like that as I use
it as a punching speed bag.
i see. you are slimer from ghost busters and you are spraying
me with your ghostly k00k slime (i hope that's what you are
sprying me with iykwimaityd). gotcha.
Non sequitur. What does your head swinging wildly about as I
use it as a punching speed bag have to do with Ghost Busters
the movie, retarded kook?
you are a stinky ghost, you cretin.
Non sequitur. What does my making your punching speed bag of
a head swing wildly about have to do with ghosts, retarded
melting kook?
'You're fighting a ghost.' hth, casper the spanked clueless usenet ghost.
Your inability to figure out analogization, noted, retarded
PoofterKook. That it's confounded you for so long must be
really frustrating for you... that wasn't a spank you took
very well. You proved you're even more retarded than anyone
had surmised.
But you're still fighting a ghost, PoofterKook. And you're
scared shitless. It shows.
rejected. more mini melting and bleating.
SPNAK! on the kook spamming his latest failed kook tactic.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crosscasper, how could a ghost use my head as a 'punching speed bag'?
See above, stupid.
Bippita - bippita - bippita - bippita - BIPbipbipbipbip
The sound Rocky's speed bag head makes as I pummel it.
yuck. more k00k slime.
Yuck, more retarded non sequitur from the retarded kook.
polly want a cracker?
PoofterKook want to melt down? Yeah he does.
i don't mind helping you melt. i'm a helpful kind of fellow.
Your admission to helping me to laugh heartily at your
melting down, noted.
rejected. your whole post says that is a giant pkb.
SPNAK! on the kook spamming his latest failed kook tactic.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerOh, it does. It proves how very unoriginal you are. You're
just a cookie-cutter kook. You're already beaten, you're
just too stupid to realize it yet.
you're right, you beat me,
Victolly! Gonna run away again?
you choose. are you going to run away again?
I never have, I never will. You will, though.
nah. i won't. but feel free to wish i would though.
They all say that, PoofterKook. You will.
i'm looking forward to you making me run away.
when can i expect you to start?
Stop mimicking my words, PoofterKook. It only serves to
prove how very retarded you are.
polly wants another cracker. ewe'll get fat.
PoofterKook want another melt down? Yeah he does.
That's right, PoofterKook.
Your direct admission to wanting to melt down again, noted.
Your tacit admission that you're a poofterkook, as your
nickname implies, noted.
You keep this up, and soon enough, we'll have you finally
being able to admit to yourself that you're a cowardly,
spanked, spamming, sheep raping poofter.
rejected. minim meldown with bleating about being raped on ewesernet.
SPNAK! on the kook spamming his latest failed kook tactic.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the cross<lights the wick on top of hesheepies head and watches him start to melt and go off like a roman
rejected. you have no idea or posted any proof you know what 'fanfic' is.
SPNAK! on the kook spamming his latest failed kook tactic.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerProjecting the honest truth rather than your usual lies.
Nice admission, PoofterKook.
says the k00k who talks with a trident for a tongue.
I don't have a submarine-launched ballistic missile for a
tongue. Nor a piece of gum, nor a three-pronged spear.
Or is this yet another example of you not knowing what the
words you use actually mean, Stupid SpankTard?
idiot. i said you have more than a forked tongue.
You could have just said that, if you'd been smart enough...
but you've had time to think it through, and realized just
how retarded you sounded in writing that... what's more than
a forked tongue, stupid?
go look in a mirror and you'll get your answer.
Third grade ineffectual taunts in place of your usual
screed... this is what I've reduced you to by using your
head as a punching speed bag.
rejected. you are scared of the truth.
Proof, kook? At least you can grasp irony... the irony of
you using every kook trick in the book to avoid the ugly
truth about yourself.
rejected. huge arsed pkb and bleating.
SPNAK! on the kook spamming his latest failed kook tactic.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerEvery day of my life is a nice day. Sure, it's not as nice
as my friend who makes more than 10 grand a day on eBay
selling cheap shit to stupid consumerist sheeple, but it's
pretty close.
Of course, you being an unemployable pissbum, you can't
afford to be a stupid consumerist sheeple... you're just a
stupid sheep fetishist.
awww. you are feeling all upset because 'rocky bopeep' has
been playing with you like a hesheepie rag doll.
That doesn't even make sense. Up your meds dosage and try
again, you drooling fucking retard.
But nice admission that your new nickname has gotten under
your skin just as much as your old one, Rocky BoPeep the
Sheep Fetishist, aka PoofterKook.
what admital, hesheepie?
See above, Rocky BoPeep the Sheep Fetishist. Unless you're
saying you're proud of your sheep abuse.
proud, sheepie. nope. but i've had a lot of fun screwing with
every sheep in New Zealand and Wales.
Yeah, we know, you're a sheep fetishist. You can't stop
talking about locking their back legs in your Wellington
boots and grabbing wool.
tell me some more about how i didn't get to ewe and your bleating sheepie ways, sheepie.
Says the spankard kook bleating like he wants his mommy.
at least my 'mommy' isn't my mommywife, hesheepie.
Fanfic from the melting kook.
you still don't know what 'fanfic' is, spanky, go find out what it is.
Your failed attempt at diverting attention from your fanfic,
rejected. continual failure to show you know what 'fanfic' is.
SPNAK! on the kook spamming his latest failed kook tactic.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
When's that gonna start, PoofterKook? Because all I see from
you so far is you melting down, proving you're retarded,
your spamming, your poofterism, and your sheep fetishism.
Oh, and your cowardly denials, and running away like a
spanked bitch because you know you got caught spamming your
sheep fetishism and got your posts Cleanfeed filtered, and
you were spamming because you were melting down... there's
that, too.
again tell me about how one
One? See your spank above, Clueless Newbie Spankard
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossshitty little toy server becomes 'servers' and how you didn't get upset
about me calling you a bleating sheepie.
More projection from the sheep rapist who's only bleating
because he's advertising his availability to every ram
within earshot.
Oh, and because he's a melting, spamming, spankard kook.
There's that, too.
tell me more about how you are not enjoying being raped on usenet, hesheepie the easy lay.
Homosexual ideation, mixed with your sheep rape fetishism,
noted, Rocky BoPeep the Sheep Rapist, aka PoofterKook.
'bleat homo bleat bleat rape bleat poofterkook bleat bleat &c'
Your admission that you've been spanked into stunned
bleating, having nothing with which to refute the truth I
post, noted.
"Fffffuuuuuuuccckkkkk! My asscheeks sting after the
spankings I've taken! I need another 55 gallon drum of ass
salve if I'm to expect to take much more of this abuse."
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
No, I'll stay right here and keep kicking the drug-addled
and fully retarded kook in the teeth. He *so* wants me to
stop replying, but the only way that's going to happen is if
he concedes defeat by spamming 10,000 line meltdown posts.
The spank I delivered on you? I don't need it, I've got
plenty more spanks to give you, PoofterKook.
when you say 'spanks to give you', you're talking about
jerking off when your are thinking about me.
you are depraved and very much gay.
More of your reading gay into common, everyday conversation,
more of your projection. You really can't help but mince and
lisp all the time, can you, PoofterKook?
you are incapable of 'everyday conversation',
Says the poofter talking about guys jerking off.
it would seem that is 'everyday conversation' for you as you
are talking about it now. how very gay of you.
It was you who brought up guys jerking off, stupid kook, so
"it would seem that is 'everyday conversation' for you as
you are talking about it now. how very gay of you."
you are still incapable of 'everyday conversation', its, far beyond your capability.
Says the spankard kook reduced to third grade ineffectual
taunts because his brain is whipping around in his head like
a rubber ball as I use his head as a punching speed bag.
3 lines oozing pkb. impressive.
Says the kook who continues to demonstrate that he has no
clue what PKB means.
feel free to explain what a pkb is, sheepie.
Says the kook continually using the term "PKB", while
admitting he has no clue what it means.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossdon't try and pretend you are. its a blatant lie.
Says the lying kook who's been caught in so many lies it's
become plainly evident his entire online persona and
reputation are nothing more than a construct that is now
being torn to shreds.
why. that'll learn me to buy a made in the usa matrix. i knew
i should have bought quality chinese.
Non sequitur in leiu of refutation of your persona being a
facade, noted.
lack of a grasp of sarcam 'noted'.
Lack of a grasp on reality, noted, melting kook.
rejected. you have no idea what reality is. if you did, you'd not post the spam you do.
Fanfic and lies. Proof, kook?
rejected. you have no idea what reality is and continue to provide proof.
SPNAK! on the kook spamming his latest failed kook tactic.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossand you can mince, hop and frolic off on your merry way
knowing i'm be done with you. :)
Running away again, cowardly PoofterKook? Yeah, after your
not at all. giving you a chance for as much as you deserve
gracefull get out. take it while you can and save some face.
No, I'll stay here and keep kicking you in the teeth.
being kicked in the teeth by a 'ghost' isn't exactly high
on my list of things to be worried about.
He says, just a couple days after his second meltdown, in
which he spammed his sheep fetishism so heavily that he got
Cleanfeed filtered.
tell me more about how you didn't get upset by being called
a bleating sheepie, spanked sheepie spammer.
Projection, Rocky BoPeep the Sheep Rapist.
stop skipping about and tell me how you don't get upset by being called a bleating sheepie, spanked
sheepie spammer.
Your doing so only serves to highlight your sheep fetish,
Rocky BoPeep the Sheep Rapist. As you've demonstrated above,
you've mixed your sheep rape fantasies and your gay
fantasies, and you can't stop outing either.
there's a good hesheepie, tell me some more about how much you don't like it.
I think it's great that you're now demonstrating that I've
damaged your fragile brain so badly that you can no longer
keep separate your gay fantasies and your sheep rape fetish.
It proves me right about everything about you that I've
ewe just cannot help telling me how much it hurt your fweelings, you big girly man.
Says the spanked kook bleating out his butthurt angst over
having been spanked so hard he can't even refute any of the
truth I post.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wranglerbeard wife failed to defend you, the only recourse left for
you is to run away. Oh, you could stay and continue getting
spanked into melting down again and again, but your fragile
little psyche just can't handle that. You'd be climbing Big
Ben with a high powered rifle in no time.
you really do talk a lot of twaddle. why not try saying
something that makes sence once in a while?
You might make more of it, if you were at least smart enough
to spell it correctly. But you're not. You're stupid.
LAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!11! WHAT'S A GIRL TO DO?
That's not a misspelling caused by a slip of the finger,
it's one caused by your miswired brain misfiring and making
the wrong finger move because you're so very retarded.
You're so short-circuited that it's a wonder you can even
"You're right."
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossyou are still a spell laming lamer, hesheepie.
"You kicked my ass right well on that one. I am well and
truly spanked."
you are still a spelling lamer, hesheepie, trying to spin it cannot hide that.
And you're still too retarded to spell properly. I'm not
making fun of your misspellings, I'm making fun of your
i bet you feel big and proud of yourself spell laming someone who's dyslexic. you are as classy as
you claim.
That's right, classy all the way. You're too retarded to
spell properly. Your claimed dyslexia is a manifestation of
your brain being miswired, but it goes far deeper than
that... your brain is so miswired that you moved the wrong
finger to hit the wrong key... the 's' key is struck with
the left ring finger, whereas the 'c' key is struck with the
left middle finger.
So just as I said, I'm making fun of your retardation that
is so profound you can't even properly control your fingers,
rejected. mini meldown with a side of raving l00ney.
SPNAK! on the kook spamming his latest failed kook tactic.
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler<snicker>
Post by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerPost by happy zombie jebus on the crossPost by [Tor] Friendly Neighborhood Vote WranglerYou'll do what you always do... melt down with CAPSfoam,
then start spamming your sheep fetishism screed again.
"Fuck! It's like he's psychic or something!"
babblek00k pays off again. sweet.
"You'll do what you always do... melt down with CAPSfoam,
then start spamming your sheep fetishism screed again."
pp of any 'CAPSfoam', shirley sheepshite.
bwhahahahahahahahaha. now that just proves you are sad and the 's where already there, you st00pid
k00ky spankard.
Says the spanked spamming PoofterKook who's ramping up his
CAPSfoam as he ramps up his meltdown.
Thanks for proving me prescient, PoofterKook.
[ ] Check this box to end your abject humiliation.
/\ Properly known as Bill
\ /\ The Monster You Kooks Can't Handle
\/ The AUK coup is complete. The Old Cabal is no more.
Accept no substitutes...
if it's from Databasix, it's a sure bet it's from a kook.
databasix.com netbasix.net ncfast.net usfast.net flfast.net:
all branches of the same malignant tree.
June 2013 Kook Awards Voting Ballot:
Message-ID: <kqrv9s$t7e$***@news.mixmin.net>