"Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
2015-12-15 04:58:59 UTC
On Mon, 14 Dec 2015 22:45:23 -0500, Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler =
Where are those videos and time-stamped photos from your vaporware
"security system"?
it doesn't time-stamp the image because i unchecked that option in the =
config. the filename is the date. time-stamps can be added at anytime =
afterward, dingus. you must have me confused with someone else whom =
you've pretended to stalk in real life, snickers. that's probably all =
that's going on here.
when movement in certain zones of the image is detected. you weren't =
there, therefore, no image was saved. DUMBASS. do you need a diagram t=
o =
explain why i don't need images of an empty porch filling up my raid arr=
ay =
all day and night or are you a special kind of fucktarded conservative =
funny how you can't produce something tangible to support your yip-yappi=
ng =
like a celphone pic of my porch or stickers on my front door or simply =
describe things on my property not visible from google street view and =
google satellite view, innit?
looked on street view at pictures likely taken about 4 years ago AND the=
camera(s?) is/are not meant to be obvious and, in fact, is/are blocked =
from view of your streetview driveby(TM) by the lush foliage in my yard=
and so that's another telltale sign that you're a lying coward.
because i didn't want to block out details in the image for no reason or=
use up cpu cycles. the file saves with the name containing date down to=
milliseconds. it would be redundant to waste pixels and CPU to represen=
t =
this. i could write a script to parse the filename and add the timestam=
p =
to the image. IDIOT.
have set up a profile for me, instead. also, having a profile somewher=
e =
doesn't mean anybody is "dating", snickers. you ought to know about tha=
whether i am in any particular person's will?
website isn't data from 5 years ago are again laughed at.
me anything" until i sell it outright, dingbat. that could be a decade =
or =
more. please feel free to hold your breath.
pittsburgh, dingus. i buy a tank of gas every month for my car, on =
average, because i bike everywhere. i put my money into my investment =
which is my home, not in supporting oil wars, like by driving a hummer =
like a douchebag, for instance.
i replaced a water heater... after a decade of living there. there are =
some other random plumbing fixes and upgrades that i did on my own =
recently. not really "breaking the bank" kind of maintenance, snickers.=
i can only imagine what kind of suburban nightmare you must live in if y=
ou =
project all sorts of "maintenance" fees.
selling for $400,000. the longer i wait and work on renovating, the mor=
e =
my house is worth, despite what you think of an ancient picture of it th=
at =
google took before lots of work was done on it. (because you were never =
free clue: there's not even a dilapidated about-to-fall-down tree at the=
address right next door anymore. the new owner fixed the roof and is =
doing a bunch of other work to get it ready for a renter. also, i got a =
new car a while ago. kept the old one for a winter beater. it will =
probably be 4 years from now when you notice it on your google-stroll =
through my neighborhood, psycho.
-- =
Loading Image...
Loading Image...
If my poasts are offensive to you, you can always block all From: header=
s =
containing "***@", unless you are an idiot who would like to =
yammer about "morphing" and maybe try to lodge some frivolous complaints=
to my news provider, then please be sure to ignore this helpful =
information and have fun making an ass of yourself in public. :)
if that route of silencing those horrid opinions of mine that you =
downloaded to your computer under duress doesn't work you can always try=
: =
Loading Image...
The Gish Gallop is often used as an indirect argument from authority =E2=
=80=94 as =
it appears to paint the galloper as an expert in a broad range of subjec=
ts =
or with an extensive knowledge of an individual one. Simultaneously it =
presents opponents (in spoken debates) or refuters (in written, =
Internet-based ones) as incompetent bumblers who didn't do their homewor=
k =
before the debate. Such emphasis on style over substance is the reason =
many scientists disdain public debates as a forum for disseminating =
opinions. - Page #1 from the Gospel of SnickerTurd
Coming soon! To a newsgroup near you!:
$ perl fakeyBot.pl
FakeyBot> I'm FakeyBot. What's your name so I can Google-stalk you=
, =
look you up on Radaris, and hurl invective and probably-illegal harrassi=
ng =
bile from behind an anonymous dizum account? <snicker>
You> Robert Michael Wolfe
FakeyBot> Oh look, you're back again to polish my size 16 steel-to=
ed =
boot with your colon and listen to me talk about bestiality and cocks, =
Robert. <snicker>
Robert> you talk about cocks a lot.
FakeyBot> Oh, I talk about sex a lot?
Robert> gay sex, mostly...
FakeyBot> Fag!
(just as useful as the original!)
snickers the wonderturd describes how he alerted lots of his kiddie pr0n=
friends to the ensuing FBI sting in message =
"That's easy enough to do... how do you think my crew uncovered the
largest CP ring using Tor and I2P, which we promptly turned over to
the FBI? I discovered a way to uncover the IP addresses the I2P users we=
re =
using, and a way of tracking Eepsites back to their IP addresses, then w=
e =
figured out that we could DDOS a Tor IP address and modify Tor headers =
while checking whether a Tor hidden service was still up, then using =
process of elimination to pinpoint the IP address hosting that hidden =
service. It's not rocket science.
_The I2P community got all up in arms when I discussed on their forum ho=
w =
I was doing it, and that it'd be a good way of cleaning up I2P so it can=
get on with being a platform to research anonymous communication... my =
distinct impression was that the "anonymity
research platform" story was just a cover story to allow pervs to
trade CP._ (NOTE: admits to participating in what he "suspected" was a =
kiddie pr0n network.)
That Silk Road 2.0 was taken offline in the ensuing FBI Operation
Onymous was just icing on the cake."
Time to spin the kooks up again. Melt, kooks, melt. <snicker>
Robert Michael Wolfe the Pittsburgh Pied Piper Of Penis (aka
DildoRider) of 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey),=
ed =Robert Michael Wolfe the Pittsburgh Pied Piper Of Penis (aka
DildoRider) of 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey),=
most of the bullshit in his sigs is just that...
he's still spamming phone numbers that haven't been mine in decade or=
longer and one that belongs to the ex-girlfriend of a friend who rent=
he's still spamming phone numbers that haven't been mine in decade or=
longer and one that belongs to the ex-girlfriend of a friend who rent=
room from me for a year. he keeps sharing his erotic fanfics about s=
room from me for a year. he keeps sharing his erotic fanfics about s=
"girlfriend" and many "johns" that he imagines for me but let's not s=
there; he k'lames to have been on my porch and "not seen the security=
cameras", but the only details about my property that he can manage t=
cameras", but the only details about my property that he can manage t=
divulge are those available on google street view and satellite view.=
also k'lames that i've said that i've "made money" off of my house, w=
also k'lames that i've said that i've "made money" off of my house, w=
all i had said was that i got a great deal on it and it's in a great
neighborhood (never mind that i could sell it for double what i've go=
neighborhood (never mind that i could sell it for double what i've go=
into it 15 years later). it's no big surprise that he's just a pompo=
lying windbag who inflates everything into a big drama-queen producti=
and gays everything up more than the actual lgbt people posting here.=
Nice textwall of foamage, DildoRider. Melt down much? LOLWhere are those videos and time-stamped photos from your vaporware
"security system"?
config. the filename is the date. time-stamps can be added at anytime =
afterward, dingus. you must have me confused with someone else whom =
you've pretended to stalk in real life, snickers. that's probably all =
that's going on here.
The *only* reason you wouldn't post them is because
they don't exist.
they don't exist because my security software is set up to only record =they don't exist.
when movement in certain zones of the image is detected. you weren't =
there, therefore, no image was saved. DUMBASS. do you need a diagram t=
o =
explain why i don't need images of an empty porch filling up my raid arr=
ay =
all day and night or are you a special kind of fucktarded conservative =
funny how you can't produce something tangible to support your yip-yappi=
ng =
like a celphone pic of my porch or stickers on my front door or simply =
describe things on my property not visible from google street view and =
google satellite view, innit?
And now that you're k'laming there are "security
cameras" (plural), you'll be forced to fake up multiple angles... oh,
no, you said there "weren't security cameras visible"... because you =cameras" (plural), you'll be forced to fake up multiple angles... oh,
looked on street view at pictures likely taken about 4 years ago AND the=
camera(s?) is/are not meant to be obvious and, in fact, is/are blocked =
from view of your streetview driveby(TM) by the lush foliage in my yard=
and so that's another telltale sign that you're a lying coward.
but didn't you also k'lame that your Linux-driven security system
doesn't put time stamps on the videos and photos?
yep.doesn't put time stamps on the videos and photos?
Liar. The program
you k'lamed to be using does that by default. QED, you're a lying
faggot. LOL
it might do it by default, but i changed the config to not timestamp =you k'lamed to be using does that by default. QED, you're a lying
faggot. LOL
because i didn't want to block out details in the image for no reason or=
use up cpu cycles. the file saves with the name containing date down to=
milliseconds. it would be redundant to waste pixels and CPU to represen=
t =
this. i could write a script to parse the filename and add the timestam=
p =
to the image. IDIOT.
Why do you continue to deny that you have a tranny dating profile? LOL=
the only reason you can't stop bringing it up is that you wish you could==
have set up a profile for me, instead. also, having a profile somewher=
e =
doesn't mean anybody is "dating", snickers. you ought to know about tha=
Where's your proof of these "rich relatives" who are going to leave
you multiple "trust funds" (your words)? LOL
how exactly do i *prove* to a snickerTard who i'm related to, much less =you multiple "trust funds" (your words)? LOL
whether i am in any particular person's will?
Where are your rich parents? Living in a shitty rural hole that's
worth even less than your shitshack half-a-house hovel. LOL
your sophomoric attempts to pretend that what you scare up on some free =worth even less than your shitshack half-a-house hovel. LOL
website isn't data from 5 years ago are again laughed at.
Why do you continue to deny that you've admitted your shitshack
half-a-house hovel has earned you a grand total of $36/month average
per month for the time you've owned it?
when did i ever say it "earned me anything", shitshow? it doesn't "earn=half-a-house hovel has earned you a grand total of $36/month average
per month for the time you've owned it?
me anything" until i sell it outright, dingbat. that could be a decade =
or =
more. please feel free to hold your breath.
And that $36 per month isn't
factoring in such items as maintenance
maintenance that i have easily handled. check out the cost of living in=factoring in such items as maintenance
pittsburgh, dingus. i buy a tank of gas every month for my car, on =
average, because i bike everywhere. i put my money into my investment =
which is my home, not in supporting oil wars, like by driving a hummer =
like a douchebag, for instance.
i replaced a water heater... after a decade of living there. there are =
some other random plumbing fixes and upgrades that i did on my own =
recently. not really "breaking the bank" kind of maintenance, snickers.=
i can only imagine what kind of suburban nightmare you must live in if y=
ou =
project all sorts of "maintenance" fees.
and upkeep... you're losing
money big-time on that shitshack, even with the price appreciation.
there are comparable homes on the market in my neighborhood that are =money big-time on that shitshack, even with the price appreciation.
selling for $400,000. the longer i wait and work on renovating, the mor=
e =
my house is worth, despite what you think of an ancient picture of it th=
at =
google took before lots of work was done on it. (because you were never =
free clue: there's not even a dilapidated about-to-fall-down tree at the=
address right next door anymore. the new owner fixed the roof and is =
doing a bunch of other work to get it ready for a renter. also, i got a =
new car a while ago. kept the old one for a winter beater. it will =
probably be 4 years from now when you notice it on your google-stroll =
through my neighborhood, psycho.
-- =
Loading Image...
Loading Image...
If my poasts are offensive to you, you can always block all From: header=
s =
containing "***@", unless you are an idiot who would like to =
yammer about "morphing" and maybe try to lodge some frivolous complaints=
to my news provider, then please be sure to ignore this helpful =
information and have fun making an ass of yourself in public. :)
if that route of silencing those horrid opinions of mine that you =
downloaded to your computer under duress doesn't work you can always try=
: =
Loading Image...
The Gish Gallop is often used as an indirect argument from authority =E2=
=80=94 as =
it appears to paint the galloper as an expert in a broad range of subjec=
ts =
or with an extensive knowledge of an individual one. Simultaneously it =
presents opponents (in spoken debates) or refuters (in written, =
Internet-based ones) as incompetent bumblers who didn't do their homewor=
k =
before the debate. Such emphasis on style over substance is the reason =
many scientists disdain public debates as a forum for disseminating =
opinions. - Page #1 from the Gospel of SnickerTurd
Coming soon! To a newsgroup near you!:
$ perl fakeyBot.pl
FakeyBot> I'm FakeyBot. What's your name so I can Google-stalk you=
, =
look you up on Radaris, and hurl invective and probably-illegal harrassi=
ng =
bile from behind an anonymous dizum account? <snicker>
You> Robert Michael Wolfe
FakeyBot> Oh look, you're back again to polish my size 16 steel-to=
ed =
boot with your colon and listen to me talk about bestiality and cocks, =
Robert. <snicker>
Robert> you talk about cocks a lot.
FakeyBot> Oh, I talk about sex a lot?
Robert> gay sex, mostly...
FakeyBot> Fag!
(just as useful as the original!)
snickers the wonderturd describes how he alerted lots of his kiddie pr0n=
friends to the ensuing FBI sting in message =
"That's easy enough to do... how do you think my crew uncovered the
largest CP ring using Tor and I2P, which we promptly turned over to
the FBI? I discovered a way to uncover the IP addresses the I2P users we=
re =
using, and a way of tracking Eepsites back to their IP addresses, then w=
e =
figured out that we could DDOS a Tor IP address and modify Tor headers =
while checking whether a Tor hidden service was still up, then using =
process of elimination to pinpoint the IP address hosting that hidden =
service. It's not rocket science.
_The I2P community got all up in arms when I discussed on their forum ho=
w =
I was doing it, and that it'd be a good way of cleaning up I2P so it can=
get on with being a platform to research anonymous communication... my =
distinct impression was that the "anonymity
research platform" story was just a cover story to allow pervs to
trade CP._ (NOTE: admits to participating in what he "suspected" was a =
kiddie pr0n network.)
That Silk Road 2.0 was taken offline in the ensuing FBI Operation
Onymous was just icing on the cake."