BLAST FROM THE PAST: Poor stupid gullible libtards...
(too old to reply)
"Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
2015-12-15 04:58:59 UTC
On Mon, 14 Dec 2015 22:45:23 -0500, Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler =
Time to spin the kooks up again. Melt, kooks, melt. <snicker>
Robert Michael Wolfe the Pittsburgh Pied Piper Of Penis (aka
DildoRider) of 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey),=
most of the bullshit in his sigs is just that...
he's still spamming phone numbers that haven't been mine in decade or=
longer and one that belongs to the ex-girlfriend of a friend who rent=
ed =
room from me for a year. he keeps sharing his erotic fanfics about s=
"girlfriend" and many "johns" that he imagines for me but let's not s=
there; he k'lames to have been on my porch and "not seen the security=
cameras", but the only details about my property that he can manage t=
divulge are those available on google street view and satellite view.=
also k'lames that i've said that i've "made money" off of my house, w=
all i had said was that i got a great deal on it and it's in a great
neighborhood (never mind that i could sell it for double what i've go=
into it 15 years later). it's no big surprise that he's just a pompo=
lying windbag who inflates everything into a big drama-queen producti=
and gays everything up more than the actual lgbt people posting here.=
Nice textwall of foamage, DildoRider. Melt down much? LOL
Where are those videos and time-stamped photos from your vaporware
"security system"?
it doesn't time-stamp the image because i unchecked that option in the =

config. the filename is the date. time-stamps can be added at anytime =

afterward, dingus. you must have me confused with someone else whom =

you've pretended to stalk in real life, snickers. that's probably all =

that's going on here.
The *only* reason you wouldn't post them is because
they don't exist.
they don't exist because my security software is set up to only record =

when movement in certain zones of the image is detected. you weren't =

there, therefore, no image was saved. DUMBASS. do you need a diagram t=
o =

explain why i don't need images of an empty porch filling up my raid arr=
ay =

all day and night or are you a special kind of fucktarded conservative =


funny how you can't produce something tangible to support your yip-yappi=
ng =

like a celphone pic of my porch or stickers on my front door or simply =

describe things on my property not visible from google street view and =

google satellite view, innit?
And now that you're k'laming there are "security
cameras" (plural), you'll be forced to fake up multiple angles... oh,
no, you said there "weren't security cameras visible"... because you =

looked on street view at pictures likely taken about 4 years ago AND the=

camera(s?) is/are not meant to be obvious and, in fact, is/are blocked =

from view of your streetview driveby(TM) by the lush foliage in my yard=

and so that's another telltale sign that you're a lying coward.
but didn't you also k'lame that your Linux-driven security system
doesn't put time stamps on the videos and photos?
Liar. The program
you k'lamed to be using does that by default. QED, you're a lying
faggot. LOL
it might do it by default, but i changed the config to not timestamp =

because i didn't want to block out details in the image for no reason or=

use up cpu cycles. the file saves with the name containing date down to=

milliseconds. it would be redundant to waste pixels and CPU to represen=
t =

this. i could write a script to parse the filename and add the timestam=
p =

to the image. IDIOT.
Why do you continue to deny that you have a tranny dating profile? LOL=
the only reason you can't stop bringing it up is that you wish you could=

have set up a profile for me, instead. also, having a profile somewher=
e =

doesn't mean anybody is "dating", snickers. you ought to know about tha=
Where's your proof of these "rich relatives" who are going to leave
you multiple "trust funds" (your words)? LOL
how exactly do i *prove* to a snickerTard who i'm related to, much less =

whether i am in any particular person's will?
Where are your rich parents? Living in a shitty rural hole that's
worth even less than your shitshack half-a-house hovel. LOL
your sophomoric attempts to pretend that what you scare up on some free =

website isn't data from 5 years ago are again laughed at.
Why do you continue to deny that you've admitted your shitshack
half-a-house hovel has earned you a grand total of $36/month average
per month for the time you've owned it?
when did i ever say it "earned me anything", shitshow? it doesn't "earn=

me anything" until i sell it outright, dingbat. that could be a decade =
or =

more. please feel free to hold your breath.
And that $36 per month isn't
factoring in such items as maintenance
maintenance that i have easily handled. check out the cost of living in=

pittsburgh, dingus. i buy a tank of gas every month for my car, on =

average, because i bike everywhere. i put my money into my investment =

which is my home, not in supporting oil wars, like by driving a hummer =

like a douchebag, for instance.

i replaced a water heater... after a decade of living there. there are =

some other random plumbing fixes and upgrades that i did on my own =

recently. not really "breaking the bank" kind of maintenance, snickers.=

i can only imagine what kind of suburban nightmare you must live in if y=
ou =

project all sorts of "maintenance" fees.
and upkeep... you're losing
money big-time on that shitshack, even with the price appreciation.
there are comparable homes on the market in my neighborhood that are =

selling for $400,000. the longer i wait and work on renovating, the mor=
e =

my house is worth, despite what you think of an ancient picture of it th=
at =

google took before lots of work was done on it. (because you were never =


free clue: there's not even a dilapidated about-to-fall-down tree at the=

address right next door anymore. the new owner fixed the roof and is =

doing a bunch of other work to get it ready for a renter. also, i got a =

new car a while ago. kept the old one for a winter beater. it will =

probably be 4 years from now when you notice it on your google-stroll =

through my neighborhood, psycho.

-- =

Loading Image...


Loading Image...

If my poasts are offensive to you, you can always block all From: header=
s =

containing "***@", unless you are an idiot who would like to =

yammer about "morphing" and maybe try to lodge some frivolous complaints=

to my news provider, then please be sure to ignore this helpful =

information and have fun making an ass of yourself in public. :)

if that route of silencing those horrid opinions of mine that you =

downloaded to your computer under duress doesn't work you can always try=
: =

Loading Image...

The Gish Gallop is often used as an indirect argument from authority =E2=
=80=94 as =

it appears to paint the galloper as an expert in a broad range of subjec=
ts =

or with an extensive knowledge of an individual one. Simultaneously it =

presents opponents (in spoken debates) or refuters (in written, =

Internet-based ones) as incompetent bumblers who didn't do their homewor=
k =

before the debate. Such emphasis on style over substance is the reason =

many scientists disdain public debates as a forum for disseminating =

opinions. - Page #1 from the Gospel of SnickerTurd

Coming soon! To a newsgroup near you!:

$ perl fakeyBot.pl
FakeyBot> I'm FakeyBot. What's your name so I can Google-stalk you=
, =

look you up on Radaris, and hurl invective and probably-illegal harrassi=
ng =

bile from behind an anonymous dizum account? <snicker>
You> Robert Michael Wolfe
FakeyBot> Oh look, you're back again to polish my size 16 steel-to=
ed =

boot with your colon and listen to me talk about bestiality and cocks, =

Robert. <snicker>
Robert> you talk about cocks a lot.
FakeyBot> Oh, I talk about sex a lot?
Robert> gay sex, mostly...
FakeyBot> Fag!

(just as useful as the original!)

snickers the wonderturd describes how he alerted lots of his kiddie pr0n=

friends to the ensuing FBI sting in message =

"That's easy enough to do... how do you think my crew uncovered the
largest CP ring using Tor and I2P, which we promptly turned over to
the FBI? I discovered a way to uncover the IP addresses the I2P users we=
re =

using, and a way of tracking Eepsites back to their IP addresses, then w=
e =

figured out that we could DDOS a Tor IP address and modify Tor headers =

while checking whether a Tor hidden service was still up, then using =

process of elimination to pinpoint the IP address hosting that hidden =

service. It's not rocket science.

_The I2P community got all up in arms when I discussed on their forum ho=
w =

I was doing it, and that it'd be a good way of cleaning up I2P so it can=

get on with being a platform to research anonymous communication... my =

distinct impression was that the "anonymity
research platform" story was just a cover story to allow pervs to
trade CP._ (NOTE: admits to participating in what he "suspected" was a =

kiddie pr0n network.)

That Silk Road 2.0 was taken offline in the ensuing FBI Operation
Onymous was just icing on the cake."
2015-12-15 06:19:39 UTC
On Mon, 14 Dec 2015 23:58:59 -0500, "\"Fakey's\" dogwhistle holder
living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey),
socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117"
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
On Mon, 14 Dec 2015 22:45:23 -0500, Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler
Time to spin the kooks up again. Melt, kooks, melt. <snicker>
Robert Michael Wolfe the Pittsburgh Pied Piper Of Penis (aka
DildoRider) of 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey),
most of the bullshit in his sigs is just that...
he's still spamming phone numbers that haven't been mine in decade or
longer and one that belongs to the ex-girlfriend of a friend who rented
room from me for a year. he keeps sharing his erotic fanfics about some
"girlfriend" and many "johns" that he imagines for me but let's not stop
there; he k'lames to have been on my porch and "not seen the security
cameras", but the only details about my property that he can manage to
divulge are those available on google street view and satellite view.
also k'lames that i've said that i've "made money" off of my house, when
all i had said was that i got a great deal on it and it's in a great
neighborhood (never mind that i could sell it for double what i've got
into it 15 years later). it's no big surprise that he's just a pompous
lying windbag who inflates everything into a big drama-queen production
and gays everything up more than the actual lgbt people posting here.
Nice textwall of foamage, DildoRider. Melt down much? LOL
Where are those videos and time-stamped photos from your vaporware
"security system"?
it doesn't time-stamp the image because i unchecked that option in the
config. the filename is the date. time-stamps can be added at anytime
afterward, dingus. you must have me confused with someone else whom
you've pretended to stalk in real life, snickers. that's probably all
that's going on here.
The *only* reason you wouldn't post them is because
they don't exist.
they don't exist because my security software is set up to only record
when movement in certain zones of the image is detected. you weren't
there, therefore, no image was saved. DUMBASS. do you need a diagram to
explain why i don't need images of an empty porch filling up my raid array
all day and night or are you a special kind of fucktarded conservative
funny how you can't produce something tangible to support your yip-yapping
like a celphone pic of my porch or stickers on my front door or simply
describe things on my property not visible from google street view and
google satellite view, innit?
And now that you're k'laming there are "security
cameras" (plural), you'll be forced to fake up multiple angles... oh,
no, you said there "weren't security cameras visible"... because you
looked on street view at pictures likely taken about 4 years ago AND the
camera(s?) is/are not meant to be obvious and, in fact, is/are blocked
from view of your streetview driveby(TM) by the lush foliage in my yard
and so that's another telltale sign that you're a lying coward.
but didn't you also k'lame that your Linux-driven security system
doesn't put time stamps on the videos and photos?
Liar. The program
you k'lamed to be using does that by default. QED, you're a lying
faggot. LOL
it might do it by default, but i changed the config to not timestamp
because i didn't want to block out details in the image for no reason or
use up cpu cycles. the file saves with the name containing date down to
milliseconds. it would be redundant to waste pixels and CPU to represent
this. i could write a script to parse the filename and add the timestamp
to the image. IDIOT.
Why do you continue to deny that you have a tranny dating profile? LOL
the only reason you can't stop bringing it up is that you wish you could
have set up a profile for me, instead. also, having a profile somewhere
doesn't mean anybody is "dating", snickers. you ought to know about that.
Where's your proof of these "rich relatives" who are going to leave
you multiple "trust funds" (your words)? LOL
how exactly do i *prove* to a snickerTard who i'm related to, much less
whether i am in any particular person's will?
Where are your rich parents? Living in a shitty rural hole that's
worth even less than your shitshack half-a-house hovel. LOL
your sophomoric attempts to pretend that what you scare up on some free
website isn't data from 5 years ago are again laughed at.
Why do you continue to deny that you've admitted your shitshack
half-a-house hovel has earned you a grand total of $36/month average
per month for the time you've owned it?
when did i ever say it "earned me anything", shitshow? it doesn't "earn
me anything" until i sell it outright, dingbat. that could be a decade or
more. please feel free to hold your breath.
And that $36 per month isn't
factoring in such items as maintenance
maintenance that i have easily handled. check out the cost of living in
pittsburgh, dingus. i buy a tank of gas every month for my car, on
average, because i bike everywhere. i put my money into my investment
which is my home, not in supporting oil wars, like by driving a hummer
like a douchebag, for instance.
i replaced a water heater... after a decade of living there. there are
some other random plumbing fixes and upgrades that i did on my own
recently. not really "breaking the bank" kind of maintenance, snickers.
i can only imagine what kind of suburban nightmare you must live in if you
project all sorts of "maintenance" fees.
and upkeep... you're losing
money big-time on that shitshack, even with the price appreciation.
there are comparable homes on the market in my neighborhood that are
selling for $400,000. the longer i wait and work on renovating, the more
my house is worth, despite what you think of an ancient picture of it that
google took before lots of work was done on it. (because you were never
free clue: there's not even a dilapidated about-to-fall-down tree at the
address right next door anymore. the new owner fixed the roof and is
doing a bunch of other work to get it ready for a renter. also, i got a
new car a while ago. kept the old one for a winter beater. it will
probably be 4 years from now when you notice it on your google-stroll
through my neighborhood, psycho.
He demands all this proof but runs away when asked to provide any of
his own.
Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
2015-12-15 06:44:47 UTC
Time to spin the kooks up again. Melt, kooks, melt. <snicker>

Robert Michael Wolfe the Pittsburgh Pied Piper Of Penis (aka
DildoRider) of 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey),
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
On Mon, 14 Dec 2015 22:45:23 -0500, Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler
Time to spin the kooks up again. Melt, kooks, melt. <snicker>
Robert Michael Wolfe the Pittsburgh Pied Piper Of Penis (aka
DildoRider) of 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey),
most of the bullshit in his sigs is just that...
he's still spamming phone numbers that haven't been mine in decade or
longer and one that belongs to the ex-girlfriend of a friend who rented
a room from me for a year. he keeps sharing his erotic fanfics about some
"girlfriend" and many "johns" that he imagines for me but let's not stop
there; he k'lames to have been on my porch and "not seen the security
cameras", but the only details about my property that he can manage to
divulge are those available on google street view and satellite view.
he also k'lames that i've said that i've "made money" off of my house, when
all i had said was that i got a great deal on it and it's in a great
neighborhood (never mind that i could sell it for double what i've got
into it 15 years later). it's no big surprise that he's just a pompous
lying windbag who inflates everything into a big drama-queen production
and gays everything up more than the actual lgbt people posting here.
Nice textwall of foamage, DildoRider. Melt down much? LOL
Where are those videos and time-stamped photos from your vaporware
"security system"?
it doesn't time-stamp the image because i unchecked that option in the
Sure, because not time and date-stamping your *security* videos is
such a good idea. 150 IQ, or caught in a lie and desperately
backpedaling? LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
the filename is the date. time-stamps can be added at anytime
afterward, dingus. you must have me confused with someone else whom
you've pretended to stalk in real life, snickers. that's probably all
that's going on here.
"When caught in an obvious lie, as a kook it is incumbent upon me to

Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
The *only* reason you wouldn't post them is because
they don't exist.
they don't exist because my security software is set up to only record
when movement in certain zones of the image is detected.
"When caught in an obvious lie, as a kook it is incumbent upon me to
come up with some stupid reason to explain away my lack of ability to
prove I'm not lying."
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
you weren't
there, therefore, no image was saved. DUMBASS. do you need a diagram to
explain why i don't need images of an empty porch filling up my raid array
all day and night or are you a special kind of fucktarded conservative
DildoRider's never heard of round-robin recording. 150 IQ? LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
funny how you can't produce something tangible to support your yip-yapping
like a celphone pic of my porch or stickers on my front door or simply
describe things on my property not visible from google street view and
google satellite view, innit?
I already provided a description of parts of your house that aren't
visible except by visiting the property, DildoRider.

Now, why haven't you provided *any* video or photographic proof of
your having a multi-camera video security system on your shitshack
half-a-house hovel? LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
And now that you're k'laming there are "security
cameras" (plural), you'll be forced to fake up multiple angles... oh,
no, you said there "weren't security cameras visible"... because you
looked on street view at pictures likely taken about 4 years ago AND the
camera(s?) is/are not meant to be obvious and, in fact, is/are blocked
from view of your streetview driveby(TM) by the lush foliage in my yard
and so that's another telltale sign that you're a lying coward.
Says the lying coward who hid in his house as I knocked loudly on the
door... then lied about having a security system. If you had one,
you'd have already posted *any* video you've got from it. Your
continuing failure to do so stands as all the proof anyone needs that
you've been caught in yet *another* lie... like your lie that you have
rich parents, or that you made a huge sum off your shitshack
half-a-house hovel, or that you have "rich relatives" who are going to
leave you "trust funds", or your denials that you admitted having a
tranny dating website profile that you use to pick up anonymous
rough-trade one-night-stand cock. LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
but didn't you also k'lame that your Linux-driven security system
doesn't put time stamps on the videos and photos?
Liar. The program you k'lamed to be using does that by default.
QED, you're a lying faggot. LOL
it might do it by default, but i changed the config to not timestamp
because i didn't want to block out details in the image for no reason or
use up cpu cycles.
"use up CPU cycles" LOL!

Because entering a time and date stamp is *so* CPU intensive. Lying
backpedaling moron. LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
the file saves with the name containing date down to
milliseconds. it would be redundant to waste pixels and CPU to represent
this. i could write a script to parse the filename and add the timestamp
to the image. IDIOT.
So your k'lamed shit security system doesn't even take video? And your
computer is so underpowered that you can't spare a couple clock cycles
to put the time and date stamp in the images. Yet you've *not* already
written "a script to parse the filename and add the timestamp to the
image", which would take *more* CPU cycles that doing it in real-time.
150 IQ, or lying backpedaling moron? LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Why do you continue to deny that you have a tranny dating profile? LOL
the only reason you can't stop bringing it up is that you wish you could
have set up a profile for me, instead. also, having a profile somewhere
doesn't mean anybody is "dating", snickers. you ought to know about that.
Of course. Because your anonymous rough-trade one-night-stand
cockfests aren't considered "dating"... unless you consider your
pickup line "Looking for a date?" to classify it as such. LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Where's your proof of these "rich relatives" who are going to leave
you multiple "trust funds" (your words)? LOL
how exactly do i *prove* to a snickerTard who i'm related to, much less
whether i am in any particular person's will?
Considering that you've been caught lying about your "rich parents",
you can't. LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Where are your rich parents? Living in a shitty rural hole that's
worth even less than your shitshack half-a-house hovel. LOL
your sophomoric attempts to pretend that what you scare up on some free
website isn't data from 5 years ago are again laughed at.
Yeah, because your retired worker-bee parents *stopped* working to get
rich. That's why they still live in that rural shithole. You're lower
middle-class, as is your entire family. Deal with it, DildoRider. LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Why do you continue to deny that you've admitted your shitshack
half-a-house hovel has earned you a grand total of $36/month average
per month for the time you've owned it?
when did i ever say it "earned me anything", shitshow? it doesn't "earn
me anything" until i sell it outright, dingbat. that could be a decade or
more. please feel free to hold your breath.
So you'll make an additional $4320 over the next "decade or more", not
including upkeep and maintenance. Meanwhile, that shitshack is
degenerating more. How old is it now? LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
And that $36 per month isn't
factoring in such items as maintenance
maintenance that i have easily handled. check out the cost of living in
pittsburgh, dingus. i buy a tank of gas every month for my car, on
average, because i bike everywhere. i put my money into my investment
which is my home, not in supporting oil wars, like by driving a hummer
like a douchebag, for instance.
"i put my money into my investment which is my home" LOL

If it's an investment, you don't have to keep putting money into it
for 15 fucking years, you witless nong. LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
i replaced a water heater... after a decade of living there. there are
some other random plumbing fixes and upgrades that i did on my own
recently. not really "breaking the bank" kind of maintenance, snickers.
i can only imagine what kind of suburban nightmare you must live in if you
project all sorts of "maintenance" fees.
I'm set up so I can pay $150 / hour for my plumber to fix any plumbing
problems, and write it off on my taxes. My plumber is me. So whereas
your house is costing you, mine is not only appreciating like mad,
it's offsetting taxable income. Moron.

Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
and upkeep... you're losing
money big-time on that shitshack, even with the price appreciation.
there are comparable homes on the market in my neighborhood that are
selling for $400,000. the longer i wait and work on renovating, the more
my house is worth, despite what you think of an ancient picture of it that
google took before lots of work was done on it. (because you were never
No, I saw the new roof, the new roof flashing, the efflorescence
removed from the brickwork, the vines taken off the east side of the
house, the new downspout... it's still an overgrown dry-rotted piece
of shit. You should fix the porch gable.
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
free clue: there's not even a dilapidated about-to-fall-down tree at the
address right next door anymore. the new owner fixed the roof and is
doing a bunch of other work to get it ready for a renter. also, i got a
new car a while ago.
Red, right?

Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
kept the old one for a winter beater. it will
probably be 4 years from now when you notice it on your google-stroll
through my neighborhood, psycho.
Sure, keep up the ruse, you fucking coward.

Robert Michael Wolfe the Pittsburgh Pied Piper Of Penis (aka
DildoRider, aka Teh Mop Jockey)
5907 Stanton Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA
(412) 799-0532
(412) 665-8289
(412) 404-8757

DildoRider admits he's stoooopid:
MID: <***@dizum.com>
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
it appears I've kicked your ass so hard it's
damaged your brain, DildoRider.
then it appears that you like shooting fish in
barrels, intellectually lazy fuckhead that you are.
Well, you've just admitted that intellectually kicking your ass is
akin to shooting fish in a barrel... IOW, you've admitted that you're
stoooopid. No un-ringing that bell.


DildoRider admits he's "really stupid" (his words). LOL
MID: <***@dizum.com>
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
so what you're saying is that your targets for attack
have to be really stupid or else you can't manage?

DildoRider admits much more about himself:
MID: <***@dizum.com>
"absolutely and completely retarded, insane, gay, ugly, smelly,
toothless, dirt-poor, incontinent and possibly homeless"

This is a libtard's method of "winning", for fuck sake.

2015-12-15 14:16:05 UTC
On Tue, 15 Dec 2015 07:44:47 +0100 (CET), Friendly Neighborhood Vote
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
Now, why haven't you provided *any* video or photographic proof of
your having a multi-camera video security system on your shitshack
half-a-house hovel? LOL
Says the no proof posting moron.

Real estate empire?
"Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
2015-12-15 16:02:00 UTC
Post by Skeeter
On Tue, 15 Dec 2015 07:44:47 +0100 (CET), Friendly Neighborhood Vote
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
Now, why haven't you provided *any* video or photographic proof of
your having a multi-camera video security system on your shitshack
half-a-house hovel? LOL
Says the no proof posting moron.
Real estate empire?
Hawt wife?
6 kids, all baby einsteins?
6'5" 300lb oaf fitting into a lotus?
Big movie career?
Warned pedos before the FBI started rounding them up?

-- =




If my poasts are offensive to you, you can always block all From: header=
s =

containing "***@", unless you are an idiot who would like to =

yammer about "morphing" and maybe try to lodge some frivolous complaints=

to my news provider, then please be sure to ignore this helpful =

information and have fun making an ass of yourself in public. :)

if that route of silencing those horrid opinions of mine that you =

downloaded to your computer under duress doesn't work you can always try=
: =


The Gish Gallop is often used as an indirect argument from authority =E2=
=80=94 as =

it appears to paint the galloper as an expert in a broad range of subjec=
ts =

or with an extensive knowledge of an individual one. Simultaneously it =

presents opponents (in spoken debates) or refuters (in written, =

Internet-based ones) as incompetent bumblers who didn't do their homewor=
k =

before the debate. Such emphasis on style over substance is the reason =

many scientists disdain public debates as a forum for disseminating =

opinions. - Page #1 from the Gospel of SnickerTurd

Coming soon! To a newsgroup near you!:

$ perl fakeyBot.pl
FakeyBot> I'm FakeyBot. What's your name so I can Google-stalk you=
, =

look you up on Radaris, and hurl invective and probably-illegal harrassi=
ng =

bile from behind an anonymous dizum account? <snicker>
You> Robert Michael Wolfe
FakeyBot> Oh look, you're back again to polish my size 16 steel-to=
ed =

boot with your colon and listen to me talk about bestiality and cocks, =

Robert. <snicker>
Robert> you talk about cocks a lot.
FakeyBot> Oh, I talk about sex a lot?
Robert> gay sex, mostly...
FakeyBot> Fag!

(just as useful as the original!)

snickers the wonderturd describes how he alerted lots of his kiddie pr0n=

friends to the ensuing FBI sting in message =

"That's easy enough to do... how do you think my crew uncovered the
largest CP ring using Tor and I2P, which we promptly turned over to
the FBI? I discovered a way to uncover the IP addresses the I2P users we=
re =

using, and a way of tracking Eepsites back to their IP addresses, then w=
e =

figured out that we could DDOS a Tor IP address and modify Tor headers =

while checking whether a Tor hidden service was still up, then using =

process of elimination to pinpoint the IP address hosting that hidden =

service. It's not rocket science.

_The I2P community got all up in arms when I discussed on their forum ho=
w =

I was doing it, and that it'd be a good way of cleaning up I2P so it can=

get on with being a platform to research anonymous communication... my =

distinct impression was that the "anonymity
research platform" story was just a cover story to allow pervs to
trade CP._ (NOTE: admits to participating in what he "suspected" was a =

kiddie pr0n network.)

That Silk Road 2.0 was taken offline in the ensuing FBI Operation
Onymous was just icing on the cake."
2015-12-15 16:12:50 UTC
On Tue, 15 Dec 2015 11:02:00 -0500, "\"Fakey's\" dogwhistle holder
living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey),
socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117"
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by Skeeter
On Tue, 15 Dec 2015 07:44:47 +0100 (CET), Friendly Neighborhood Vote
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
Now, why haven't you provided *any* video or photographic proof of
your having a multi-camera video security system on your shitshack
half-a-house hovel? LOL
Says the no proof posting moron.
Real estate empire?
Hawt wife?
6 kids, all baby einsteins?
6'5" 300lb oaf fitting into a lotus?
Big movie career?
Warned pedos before the FBI started rounding them up?
He cant prove any of his bullshit, So I didn't bother with them all.
"Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
2015-12-15 15:59:38 UTC
On Tue, 15 Dec 2015 01:44:47 -0500, Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler =
Time to spin the kooks up again. Melt, kooks, melt. <snicker>
Robert Michael Wolfe the Pittsburgh Pied Piper Of Penis (aka
DildoRider) of 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey),=
On Mon, 14 Dec 2015 22:45:23 -0500, Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangl=
Time to spin the kooks up again. Melt, kooks, melt. <snicker>
Robert Michael Wolfe the Pittsburgh Pied Piper Of Penis (aka
DildoRider) of 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey=
most of the bullshit in his sigs is just that...
he's still spamming phone numbers that haven't been mine in decade =
longer and one that belongs to the ex-girlfriend of a friend who =
a room from me for a year. he keeps sharing his erotic fanfics abo=
ut =
"girlfriend" and many "johns" that he imagines for me but let's not=
there; he k'lames to have been on my porch and "not seen the securi=
cameras", but the only details about my property that he can manage=
divulge are those available on google street view and satellite vie=
he also k'lames that i've said that i've "made money" off of my =
house, when
all i had said was that i got a great deal on it and it's in a grea=
neighborhood (never mind that i could sell it for double what i've =
into it 15 years later). it's no big surprise that he's just a =
lying windbag who inflates everything into a big drama-queen =
and gays everything up more than the actual lgbt people posting her=
Nice textwall of foamage, DildoRider. Melt down much? LOL
Where are those videos and time-stamped photos from your vaporware
"security system"?
it doesn't time-stamp the image because i unchecked that option in th=
Sure, because not time and date-stamping your *security* videos is
such a good idea.
the name of the image file has the date and time. pictures of squirrels=

on my porch don't need a timestamp.
150 IQ, or caught in a lie and desperately
backpedaling? LOL
except, you are the one who is desperate to *prove* that you are a RL =

the filename is the date. time-stamps can be added at anytime
afterward, dingus. you must have me confused with someone else whom
you've pretended to stalk in real life, snickers. that's probably al=
that's going on here.
"When caught in an obvious lie, as a kook it is incumbent upon me to
what's to lie about? i save a bunch of image files in a directory and =

their NAMES are what i see first. why would i need to have a timestamp =

already in the image? the server i'm running it on is a compaq proliant=
. =

i don't need to waste CPU cycles editing images in real time. =

furthermore, my cameras aren't HD yet, so slapping a timestamp over the =

original image causes loss of information.

but you're so smart...
The *only* reason you wouldn't post them is because
they don't exist.
they don't exist because my security software is set up to only recor=
when movement in certain zones of the image is detected.
"When caught in an obvious lie, as a kook it is incumbent upon me to
come up with some stupid reason to explain away my lack of ability to
prove I'm not lying."
yes. hence your repetitive "translations" from human-speak to =

you weren't
there, therefore, no image was saved. DUMBASS. do you need a diagra=
m =
explain why i don't need images of an empty porch filling up my raid =
all day and night or are you a special kind of fucktarded conservativ=
DildoRider's never heard of round-robin recording. 150 IQ? LOL
i certainly don't remove images, dipshit. my system records when moveme=
nt =

is detected. i don't need to dig through thousands of frames where =

there's no action. in fact, i can see that there are 10 imaqes in the =

folder for today's date, all named with the timestamp. mail must have =

come early.
funny how you can't produce something tangible to support your =
like a celphone pic of my porch or stickers on my front door or simpl=
describe things on my property not visible from google street view an=
google satellite view, innit?
I already provided a description of parts of your house that aren't
visible except by visiting the property, DildoRider.
such as? because i haven't heard you talk about anything that isn't =

visible on google.
Now, why haven't you provided *any* video or photographic proof of
your having a multi-camera video security system on your shitshack
half-a-house hovel? LOL
what kind of idiot would expect someone to divulge the locations of thei=
r =

hidden security cameras?

ask yourself that question, snickers.
And now that you're k'laming there are "security
cameras" (plural), you'll be forced to fake up multiple angles... oh=
no, you said there "weren't security cameras visible"... because you
looked on street view at pictures likely taken about 4 years ago AND =
camera(s?) is/are not meant to be obvious and, in fact, is/are blocke=
from view of your streetview driveby(TM) by the lush foliage in my y=
and so that's another telltale sign that you're a lying coward.
Says the lying coward who hid in his house as I knocked loudly on the
yes, you knocked loudly on a door that had a doorbell.

CLEARLY, you must have been here. DUMBASS!
then lied about having a security system. If you had one,
you'd have already posted *any* video you've got from it.
never said it takes "video", idiot. though, video is just a bunch of =

still images strung together, so i guess "video" to you is 3 frames per =

second or so.
continuing failure to do so stands as all the proof anyone needs that
you've been caught in yet *another* lie...
when you gonna *prove* your lie about being here?
like your lie that you have
rich parents, or that you made a huge sum off your shitshack
half-a-house hovel, or that you have "rich relatives" who are going to=
leave you "trust funds", or your denials that you admitted having a
tranny dating website profile that you use to pick up anonymous
rough-trade one-night-stand cock. LOL
but didn't you also k'lame that your Linux-driven security system
doesn't put time stamps on the videos and photos?
Liar. The program you k'lamed to be using does that by default.
QED, you're a lying faggot. LOL
it might do it by default, but i changed the config to not timestamp
because i didn't want to block out details in the image for no reason=
use up cpu cycles.
"use up CPU cycles" LOL!
Because entering a time and date stamp is *so* CPU intensive. Lying
backpedaling moron. LOL
it is for an enterprise class sever from 1994. also, i don't need a =

timestamp in the image in real time, moron.
the file saves with the name containing date down to
milliseconds. it would be redundant to waste pixels and CPU to =
this. i could write a script to parse the filename and add the =
to the image. IDIOT.
So your k'lamed shit security system doesn't even take video?
i didn't set it up for video. why do i need video?
And your
computer is so underpowered that you can't spare a couple clock cycles=
to put the time and date stamp in the images. Yet you've *not* already=
written "a script to parse the filename and add the timestamp to the
image", which would take *more* CPU cycles that doing it in real-time.=
150 IQ, or lying backpedaling moron? LOL
i've never had to release an image to the public or to authorities. if =
i =

did, i would time stamp the image before releasing it. that's what i =

would have done if there was ever a 6'5" oaf on my porch being confused =
by =

a doorbell that they couldn't see because they actually weren't there.
Why do you continue to deny that you have a tranny dating profile? L=
the only reason you can't stop bringing it up is that you wish you co=
have set up a profile for me, instead. also, having a profile =
doesn't mean anybody is "dating", snickers. you ought to know about =
Of course. Because your anonymous rough-trade one-night-stand
cockfests aren't considered "dating"... unless you consider your
pickup line "Looking for a date?" to classify it as such. LOL
i must go on lots of dates in your head.
Where's your proof of these "rich relatives" who are going to leave
you multiple "trust funds" (your words)? LOL
how exactly do i *prove* to a snickerTard who i'm related to, much le=
whether i am in any particular person's will?
Considering that you've been caught lying about your "rich parents",
you can't. LOL
you mean the parents who just gave me $8000 as a gift recently because =

they felt bad that i haven't asked them for anything for a decade?
Where are your rich parents? Living in a shitty rural hole that's
worth even less than your shitshack half-a-house hovel. LOL
your sophomoric attempts to pretend that what you scare up on some fr=
website isn't data from 5 years ago are again laughed at.
Yeah, because your retired worker-bee parents *stopped* working to get=
rich. That's why they still live in that rural shithole. You're lower
middle-class, as is your entire family. Deal with it, DildoRider. LOL
they invested every single penny wisely. my dad was a federal safety =

inspector in the mines for almost a quarter century before they shut =

down. he retired with USPS. was that on your highly fucked radaris =

dossier? LOL
Why do you continue to deny that you've admitted your shitshack
half-a-house hovel has earned you a grand total of $36/month average=
per month for the time you've owned it?
when did i ever say it "earned me anything", shitshow? it doesn't "e=
me anything" until i sell it outright, dingbat. that could be a deca=
de =
more. please feel free to hold your breath.
So you'll make an additional $4320 over the next "decade or more", not=
including upkeep and maintenance. Meanwhile, that shitshack is
degenerating more. How old is it now? LOL
so where's it degenerating, exactly?
And that $36 per month isn't
factoring in such items as maintenance
maintenance that i have easily handled. check out the cost of living=
pittsburgh, dingus. i buy a tank of gas every month for my car, on
average, because i bike everywhere. i put my money into my investmen=
which is my home, not in supporting oil wars, like by driving a humme=
like a douchebag, for instance.
"i put my money into my investment which is my home" LOL
If it's an investment, you don't have to keep putting money into it
for 15 fucking years, you witless nong. LOL
i don't *have* to live in it either, but i do. funny, that. do you =

figure i'd be better off trying to run a recording studio and a DIY =

fabrication shop in a $400/mo "studio" apartment? DUMBASS.
i replaced a water heater... after a decade of living there. there a=
some other random plumbing fixes and upgrades that i did on my own
recently. not really "breaking the bank" kind of maintenance, snicke=
i can only imagine what kind of suburban nightmare you must live in i=
f =
project all sorts of "maintenance" fees.
I'm set up so I can pay $150 / hour for my plumber to fix any plumbing=
problems, and write it off on my taxes. My plumber is me. So whereas
your house is costing you, mine is not only appreciating like mad,
it's offsetting taxable income. Moron.
sounds like a lot of hoops to jump through just to prove ones self to be=
a =

cheap-ass un-american piece of shit.

i bet you pulled shit like charge yourself 8 hours of work to replace an=

old screw-type valve with a more reliable 1/4 turn, too. great job, =

and upkeep... you're losing
money big-time on that shitshack, even with the price appreciation.
there are comparable homes on the market in my neighborhood that are
selling for $400,000. the longer i wait and work on renovating, the =
my house is worth, despite what you think of an ancient picture of it=
google took before lots of work was done on it. (because you were nev=
No, I saw the new roof, the new roof flashing,
on my side maybe. while you were busy lying about being here, the =

property next door was still not sold. that sale didn't finalize until =

around september.
the efflorescence
removed from the brickwork,
except nobody did anything like that around here.
the vines taken off the east side of the
there were never vines on the east side of the house. maybe you're =

confusing a honeysuckle and some rose of sharon as a "vine"? funny that=

the east side of the house is the only side visible from street view, =

though. why don't you tell me something about the west side of the hous=
e =

in the driveway alley? hmmm?
the new downspout...
what new downspout? now, you're just making shit up.
it's still an overgrown dry-rotted piece
of shit. You should fix the porch gable.
show me a pic of what you're talking about, snickers. i'll post a pic o=
f =

what it looks like 4 years after google took the pic that you are =

free clue: there's not even a dilapidated about-to-fall-down tree at =
address right next door anymore. the new owner fixed the roof and is=
doing a bunch of other work to get it ready for a renter. also, i got=
new car a while ago.
Red, right?
nope. that's one of the neighbor's. red civic that's been parking ther=
e =

for about 6 years. a new girl just moved into that art collective this =

month and has another red car. mine is a gray 2012 accord. see them on=

google? no? hold your breath and wait, snickers. LOL

now maybe we can all see the context of your desperate k'lames of stalki=
ng =

me where i live. let's see how many years it takes for google to update=

their imagery to show an additional red car and a gray accord in my =

parking area while you keep pretending it's a real-time window that you =

can peep through at your victims and try desperately to konvince them th=
at =

you "RILLY, RILLY" are a r/l stalkerPsycho.

here's another hint: the yellow ford station wagon behind the house in t=
he =

parking area was the old lady's from next door before she left it =

deteriorate for years before she fell ill and passed away. that was =

removed and scrapped 3 months ago.
kept the old one for a winter beater. it will
probably be 4 years from now when you notice it on your google-stroll=
through my neighborhood, psycho.
Sure, keep up the ruse, you fucking coward.
i eagerly await your image (or verbose description) of the "porch gable"=

that you claim needs to be repaired, snickers. we'll get down to the =

bottom of this.

-- =




If my poasts are offensive to you, you can always block all From: header=
s =

containing "***@", unless you are an idiot who would like to =

yammer about "morphing" and maybe try to lodge some frivolous complaints=

to my news provider, then please be sure to ignore this helpful =

information and have fun making an ass of yourself in public. :)

if that route of silencing those horrid opinions of mine that you =

downloaded to your computer under duress doesn't work you can always try=
: =


The Gish Gallop is often used as an indirect argument from authority =E2=
=80=94 as =

it appears to paint the galloper as an expert in a broad range of subjec=
ts =

or with an extensive knowledge of an individual one. Simultaneously it =

presents opponents (in spoken debates) or refuters (in written, =

Internet-based ones) as incompetent bumblers who didn't do their homewor=
k =

before the debate. Such emphasis on style over substance is the reason =

many scientists disdain public debates as a forum for disseminating =

opinions. - Page #1 from the Gospel of SnickerTurd

Coming soon! To a newsgroup near you!:

$ perl fakeyBot.pl
FakeyBot> I'm FakeyBot. What's your name so I can Google-stalk you=
, =

look you up on Radaris, and hurl invective and probably-illegal harrassi=
ng =

bile from behind an anonymous dizum account? <snicker>
You> Robert Michael Wolfe
FakeyBot> Oh look, you're back again to polish my size 16 steel-to=
ed =

boot with your colon and listen to me talk about bestiality and cocks, =

Robert. <snicker>
Robert> you talk about cocks a lot.
FakeyBot> Oh, I talk about sex a lot?
Robert> gay sex, mostly...
FakeyBot> Fag!

(just as useful as the original!)

snickers the wonderturd describes how he alerted lots of his kiddie pr0n=

friends to the ensuing FBI sting in message =

"That's easy enough to do... how do you think my crew uncovered the
largest CP ring using Tor and I2P, which we promptly turned over to
the FBI? I discovered a way to uncover the IP addresses the I2P users we=
re =

using, and a way of tracking Eepsites back to their IP addresses, then w=
e =

figured out that we could DDOS a Tor IP address and modify Tor headers =

while checking whether a Tor hidden service was still up, then using =

process of elimination to pinpoint the IP address hosting that hidden =

service. It's not rocket science.

_The I2P community got all up in arms when I discussed on their forum ho=
w =

I was doing it, and that it'd be a good way of cleaning up I2P so it can=

get on with being a platform to research anonymous communication... my =

distinct impression was that the "anonymity
research platform" story was just a cover story to allow pervs to
trade CP._ (NOTE: admits to participating in what he "suspected" was a =

kiddie pr0n network.)

That Silk Road 2.0 was taken offline in the ensuing FBI Operation
Onymous was just icing on the cake."
2015-12-15 16:26:37 UTC
On Tue, 15 Dec 2015 10:59:38 -0500, "\"Fakey's\" dogwhistle holder
living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey),
socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117"
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
On Tue, 15 Dec 2015 01:44:47 -0500, Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler
Time to spin the kooks up again. Melt, kooks, melt. <snicker>
Robert Michael Wolfe the Pittsburgh Pied Piper Of Penis (aka
DildoRider) of 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey),
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
On Mon, 14 Dec 2015 22:45:23 -0500, Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler
Time to spin the kooks up again. Melt, kooks, melt. <snicker>
Robert Michael Wolfe the Pittsburgh Pied Piper Of Penis (aka
DildoRider) of 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey),
most of the bullshit in his sigs is just that...
he's still spamming phone numbers that haven't been mine in decade or
longer and one that belongs to the ex-girlfriend of a friend who rented
a room from me for a year. he keeps sharing his erotic fanfics about some
"girlfriend" and many "johns" that he imagines for me but let's not stop
there; he k'lames to have been on my porch and "not seen the security
cameras", but the only details about my property that he can manage to
divulge are those available on google street view and satellite view.
he also k'lames that i've said that i've "made money" off of my house, when
all i had said was that i got a great deal on it and it's in a great
neighborhood (never mind that i could sell it for double what i've got
into it 15 years later). it's no big surprise that he's just a pompous
lying windbag who inflates everything into a big drama-queen production
and gays everything up more than the actual lgbt people posting here.
Nice textwall of foamage, DildoRider. Melt down much? LOL
Where are those videos and time-stamped photos from your vaporware
"security system"?
it doesn't time-stamp the image because i unchecked that option in the
Sure, because not time and date-stamping your *security* videos is
such a good idea.
the name of the image file has the date and time. pictures of squirrels
on my porch don't need a timestamp.
He's an idiot.
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
150 IQ, or caught in a lie and desperately
backpedaling? LOL
except, you are the one who is desperate to *prove* that you are a RL
Yes, he tried to make me believe he was outside my house, yet all the
stuff he said he was gonna do, he never did, proving he's a self
admitted RL stalker and liar.
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
the filename is the date. time-stamps can be added at anytime
afterward, dingus. you must have me confused with someone else whom
you've pretended to stalk in real life, snickers. that's probably all
that's going on here.
"When caught in an obvious lie, as a kook it is incumbent upon me to
what's to lie about? i save a bunch of image files in a directory and
their NAMES are what i see first. why would i need to have a timestamp
already in the image? the server i'm running it on is a compaq proliant.
i don't need to waste CPU cycles editing images in real time.
furthermore, my cameras aren't HD yet, so slapping a timestamp over the
original image causes loss of information.
but you're so smart...
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
The *only* reason you wouldn't post them is because
they don't exist.
they don't exist because my security software is set up to only record
when movement in certain zones of the image is detected.
"When caught in an obvious lie, as a kook it is incumbent upon me to
come up with some stupid reason to explain away my lack of ability to
prove I'm not lying."
yes. hence your repetitive "translations" from human-speak to
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
you weren't
there, therefore, no image was saved. DUMBASS. do you need a diagram to
explain why i don't need images of an empty porch filling up my raid array
all day and night or are you a special kind of fucktarded conservative
DildoRider's never heard of round-robin recording. 150 IQ? LOL
i certainly don't remove images, dipshit. my system records when movement
is detected. i don't need to dig through thousands of frames where
there's no action. in fact, i can see that there are 10 imaqes in the
folder for today's date, all named with the timestamp. mail must have
come early.
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
funny how you can't produce something tangible to support your yip-yapping
like a celphone pic of my porch or stickers on my front door or simply
describe things on my property not visible from google street view and
google satellite view, innit?
I already provided a description of parts of your house that aren't
visible except by visiting the property, DildoRider.
such as? because i haven't heard you talk about anything that isn't
visible on google.
LOL SMACKDOWN on teh fakey.
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Now, why haven't you provided *any* video or photographic proof of
your having a multi-camera video security system on your shitshack
half-a-house hovel? LOL
what kind of idiot would expect someone to divulge the locations of their
hidden security cameras?
ask yourself that question, snickers.
He's such a moron.
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
And now that you're k'laming there are "security
cameras" (plural), you'll be forced to fake up multiple angles... oh,
no, you said there "weren't security cameras visible"... because you
looked on street view at pictures likely taken about 4 years ago AND the
camera(s?) is/are not meant to be obvious and, in fact, is/are blocked
from view of your streetview driveby(TM) by the lush foliage in my yard
and so that's another telltale sign that you're a lying coward.
Says the lying coward who hid in his house as I knocked loudly on the
yes, you knocked loudly on a door that had a doorbell.
CLEARLY, you must have been here. DUMBASS!
He's such a nitwit...lol
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
then lied about having a security system. If you had one,
you'd have already posted *any* video you've got from it.
never said it takes "video", idiot. though, video is just a bunch of
still images strung together, so i guess "video" to you is 3 frames per
second or so.
continuing failure to do so stands as all the proof anyone needs that
you've been caught in yet *another* lie...
when you gonna *prove* your lie about being here?
He will spin away from it.
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
like your lie that you have
rich parents, or that you made a huge sum off your shitshack
half-a-house hovel, or that you have "rich relatives" who are going to
leave you "trust funds", or your denials that you admitted having a
tranny dating website profile that you use to pick up anonymous
rough-trade one-night-stand cock. LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
but didn't you also k'lame that your Linux-driven security system
doesn't put time stamps on the videos and photos?
Liar. The program you k'lamed to be using does that by default.
QED, you're a lying faggot. LOL
it might do it by default, but i changed the config to not timestamp
because i didn't want to block out details in the image for no reason or
use up cpu cycles.
"use up CPU cycles" LOL!
Because entering a time and date stamp is *so* CPU intensive. Lying
backpedaling moron. LOL
it is for an enterprise class sever from 1994. also, i don't need a
timestamp in the image in real time, moron.
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
the file saves with the name containing date down to
milliseconds. it would be redundant to waste pixels and CPU to represent
this. i could write a script to parse the filename and add the timestamp
to the image. IDIOT.
So your k'lamed shit security system doesn't even take video?
i didn't set it up for video. why do i need video?
Another attempt by fakey to evade and spin.
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
And your
computer is so underpowered that you can't spare a couple clock cycles
to put the time and date stamp in the images. Yet you've *not* already
written "a script to parse the filename and add the timestamp to the
image", which would take *more* CPU cycles that doing it in real-time.
150 IQ, or lying backpedaling moron? LOL
i've never had to release an image to the public or to authorities. if i
did, i would time stamp the image before releasing it. that's what i
would have done if there was ever a 6'5" oaf on my porch being confused by
a doorbell that they couldn't see because they actually weren't there.
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Why do you continue to deny that you have a tranny dating profile? LOL
the only reason you can't stop bringing it up is that you wish you could
have set up a profile for me, instead. also, having a profile somewhere
doesn't mean anybody is "dating", snickers. you ought to know about that.
Of course. Because your anonymous rough-trade one-night-stand
cockfests aren't considered "dating"... unless you consider your
pickup line "Looking for a date?" to classify it as such. LOL
i must go on lots of dates in your head.
We take up all the space in his head, his hard drive and he prolly
mumbles our names as he's headed to the booze store.
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Where's your proof of these "rich relatives" who are going to leave
you multiple "trust funds" (your words)? LOL
how exactly do i *prove* to a snickerTard who i'm related to, much less
whether i am in any particular person's will?
Considering that you've been caught lying about your "rich parents",
you can't. LOL
you mean the parents who just gave me $8000 as a gift recently because
they felt bad that i haven't asked them for anything for a decade?
And he never proved you told a lie.
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Where are your rich parents? Living in a shitty rural hole that's
worth even less than your shitshack half-a-house hovel. LOL
your sophomoric attempts to pretend that what you scare up on some free
website isn't data from 5 years ago are again laughed at.
Yeah, because your retired worker-bee parents *stopped* working to get
rich. That's why they still live in that rural shithole. You're lower
middle-class, as is your entire family. Deal with it, DildoRider. LOL
they invested every single penny wisely. my dad was a federal safety
inspector in the mines for almost a quarter century before they shut
down. he retired with USPS. was that on your highly fucked radaris
dossier? LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Why do you continue to deny that you've admitted your shitshack
half-a-house hovel has earned you a grand total of $36/month average
per month for the time you've owned it?
when did i ever say it "earned me anything", shitshow? it doesn't "earn
me anything" until i sell it outright, dingbat. that could be a decade or
more. please feel free to hold your breath.
So you'll make an additional $4320 over the next "decade or more", not
including upkeep and maintenance. Meanwhile, that shitshack is
degenerating more. How old is it now? LOL
so where's it degenerating, exactly?
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
And that $36 per month isn't
factoring in such items as maintenance
maintenance that i have easily handled. check out the cost of living in
pittsburgh, dingus. i buy a tank of gas every month for my car, on
average, because i bike everywhere. i put my money into my investment
which is my home, not in supporting oil wars, like by driving a hummer
like a douchebag, for instance.
"i put my money into my investment which is my home" LOL
If it's an investment, you don't have to keep putting money into it
for 15 fucking years, you witless nong. LOL
i don't *have* to live in it either, but i do. funny, that. do you
figure i'd be better off trying to run a recording studio and a DIY
fabrication shop in a $400/mo "studio" apartment? DUMBASS.
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
i replaced a water heater... after a decade of living there. there are
some other random plumbing fixes and upgrades that i did on my own
recently. not really "breaking the bank" kind of maintenance, snickers.
i can only imagine what kind of suburban nightmare you must live in if you
project all sorts of "maintenance" fees.
I'm set up so I can pay $150 / hour for my plumber to fix any plumbing
problems, and write it off on my taxes. My plumber is me. So whereas
your house is costing you, mine is not only appreciating like mad,
it's offsetting taxable income. Moron.
sounds like a lot of hoops to jump through just to prove ones self to be a
cheap-ass un-american piece of shit.
He's so full of shit. I just laff at his spew.
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
i bet you pulled shit like charge yourself 8 hours of work to replace an
old screw-type valve with a more reliable 1/4 turn, too. great job,
He would be confused at that, He'll prolly google it and copy/paste
his response...LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
and upkeep... you're losing
money big-time on that shitshack, even with the price appreciation.
there are comparable homes on the market in my neighborhood that are
selling for $400,000. the longer i wait and work on renovating, the more
my house is worth, despite what you think of an ancient picture of it that
google took before lots of work was done on it. (because you were never
No, I saw the new roof, the new roof flashing,
on my side maybe. while you were busy lying about being here, the
property next door was still not sold. that sale didn't finalize until
around september.
the efflorescence
removed from the brickwork,
except nobody did anything like that around here.
the vines taken off the east side of the
there were never vines on the east side of the house. maybe you're
confusing a honeysuckle and some rose of sharon as a "vine"? funny that
the east side of the house is the only side visible from street view,
though. why don't you tell me something about the west side of the house
in the driveway alley? hmmm?
Now he will come back as some sort of plant expert.
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
the new downspout...
what new downspout? now, you're just making shit up.
He tried that with me, He said my electric meter was not running, Fact
is I don't have one of those, it's all done online, he's such a lying
queer fag.
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
it's still an overgrown dry-rotted piece
of shit. You should fix the porch gable.
show me a pic of what you're talking about, snickers. i'll post a pic of
what it looks like 4 years after google took the pic that you are
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
free clue: there's not even a dilapidated about-to-fall-down tree at the
address right next door anymore. the new owner fixed the roof and is
doing a bunch of other work to get it ready for a renter. also, i got a
new car a while ago.
Red, right?
nope. that's one of the neighbor's. red civic that's been parking there
for about 6 years. a new girl just moved into that art collective this
month and has another red car. mine is a gray 2012 accord. see them on
google? no? hold your breath and wait, snickers. LOL
LOL He will LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
now maybe we can all see the context of your desperate k'lames of stalking
me where i live. let's see how many years it takes for google to update
their imagery to show an additional red car and a gray accord in my
parking area while you keep pretending it's a real-time window that you
can peep through at your victims and try desperately to konvince them that
you "RILLY, RILLY" are a r/l stalkerPsycho.
here's another hint: the yellow ford station wagon behind the house in the
parking area was the old lady's from next door before she left it
deteriorate for years before she fell ill and passed away. that was
removed and scrapped 3 months ago.
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
kept the old one for a winter beater. it will
probably be 4 years from now when you notice it on your google-stroll
through my neighborhood, psycho.
Sure, keep up the ruse, you fucking coward.
i eagerly await your image (or verbose description) of the "porch gable"
that you claim needs to be repaired, snickers. we'll get down to the
bottom of this.
Don't say "bottom" He gets excited.
"Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
2015-12-15 16:44:17 UTC
Post by Skeeter
On Tue, 15 Dec 2015 10:59:38 -0500, "\"Fakey's\" dogwhistle holder
living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey),
socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117"
On Tue, 15 Dec 2015 01:44:47 -0500, Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangl=
Post by Skeeter
Time to spin the kooks up again. Melt, kooks, melt. <snicker>
Robert Michael Wolfe the Pittsburgh Pied Piper Of Penis (aka
DildoRider) of 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey=
Post by Skeeter
On Mon, 14 Dec 2015 22:45:23 -0500, Friendly Neighborhood Vote =
Time to spin the kooks up again. Melt, kooks, melt. <snicker>
Robert Michael Wolfe the Pittsburgh Pied Piper Of Penis (aka
DildoRider) of 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop =
Post by Skeeter
most of the bullshit in his sigs is just that...
he's still spamming phone numbers that haven't been mine in decad=
e =
Post by Skeeter
longer and one that belongs to the ex-girlfriend of a friend who rented
a room from me for a year. he keeps sharing his erotic fanfics =
"girlfriend" and many "johns" that he imagines for me but let's n=
Post by Skeeter
there; he k'lames to have been on my porch and "not seen the =
cameras", but the only details about my property that he can mana=
ge =
Post by Skeeter
divulge are those available on google street view and satellite =
he also k'lames that i've said that i've "made money" off of my house, when
all i had said was that i got a great deal on it and it's in a gr=
Post by Skeeter
neighborhood (never mind that i could sell it for double what i'v=
e =
Post by Skeeter
into it 15 years later). it's no big surprise that he's just a pompous
lying windbag who inflates everything into a big drama-queen production
and gays everything up more than the actual lgbt people posting =
Nice textwall of foamage, DildoRider. Melt down much? LOL
Where are those videos and time-stamped photos from your vaporware=
"security system"?
it doesn't time-stamp the image because i unchecked that option in =
Post by Skeeter
Sure, because not time and date-stamping your *security* videos is
such a good idea.
the name of the image file has the date and time. pictures of squirr=
Post by Skeeter
on my porch don't need a timestamp.
He's an idiot.
you noticed? ;)
Post by Skeeter
150 IQ, or caught in a lie and desperately
backpedaling? LOL
except, you are the one who is desperate to *prove* that you are a RL=
Yes, he tried to make me believe he was outside my house, yet all the
stuff he said he was gonna do, he never did, proving he's a self
admitted RL stalker and liar.
oh, you mean when he threatened to plant drugs on your property and comm=
it =

a felony by doing so?
Post by Skeeter
the filename is the date. time-stamps can be added at anytime
afterward, dingus. you must have me confused with someone else who=
Post by Skeeter
you've pretended to stalk in real life, snickers. that's probably =
Post by Skeeter
that's going on here.
"When caught in an obvious lie, as a kook it is incumbent upon me to=
what's to lie about? i save a bunch of image files in a directory an=
Post by Skeeter
their NAMES are what i see first. why would i need to have a timesta=
Post by Skeeter
already in the image? the server i'm running it on is a compaq =
i don't need to waste CPU cycles editing images in real time.
furthermore, my cameras aren't HD yet, so slapping a timestamp over t=
Post by Skeeter
original image causes loss of information.
but you're so smart...
The *only* reason you wouldn't post them is because
they don't exist.
they don't exist because my security software is set up to only rec=
Post by Skeeter
when movement in certain zones of the image is detected.
"When caught in an obvious lie, as a kook it is incumbent upon me to=
come up with some stupid reason to explain away my lack of ability t=
Post by Skeeter
prove I'm not lying."
yes. hence your repetitive "translations" from human-speak to
you weren't
there, therefore, no image was saved. DUMBASS. do you need a diag=
Post by Skeeter
explain why i don't need images of an empty porch filling up my rai=
Post by Skeeter
all day and night or are you a special kind of fucktarded conservat=
Post by Skeeter
DildoRider's never heard of round-robin recording. 150 IQ? LOL
i certainly don't remove images, dipshit. my system records when =
is detected. i don't need to dig through thousands of frames where
there's no action. in fact, i can see that there are 10 imaqes in th=
Post by Skeeter
folder for today's date, all named with the timestamp. mail must hav=
Post by Skeeter
come early.
funny how you can't produce something tangible to support your yip-yapping
like a celphone pic of my porch or stickers on my front door or sim=
Post by Skeeter
describe things on my property not visible from google street view =
Post by Skeeter
google satellite view, innit?
I already provided a description of parts of your house that aren't
visible except by visiting the property, DildoRider.
such as? because i haven't heard you talk about anything that isn't
visible on google.
LOL SMACKDOWN on teh fakey.
Now, why haven't you provided *any* video or photographic proof of
your having a multi-camera video security system on your shitshack
half-a-house hovel? LOL
what kind of idiot would expect someone to divulge the locations of =
hidden security cameras?
ask yourself that question, snickers.
He's such a moron.
i wonder why i can't see HIS security cameras? he should probably send =
me =

pics of them. yep.
Post by Skeeter
And now that you're k'laming there are "security
cameras" (plural), you'll be forced to fake up multiple angles... =
Post by Skeeter
no, you said there "weren't security cameras visible"... because yo=
Post by Skeeter
looked on street view at pictures likely taken about 4 years ago AN=
D =
Post by Skeeter
camera(s?) is/are not meant to be obvious and, in fact, is/are bloc=
Post by Skeeter
from view of your streetview driveby(TM) by the lush foliage in my=
Post by Skeeter
and so that's another telltale sign that you're a lying coward.
Says the lying coward who hid in his house as I knocked loudly on th=
Post by Skeeter
yes, you knocked loudly on a door that had a doorbell.
CLEARLY, you must have been here. DUMBASS!
He's such a nitwit...lol
clearly, he's not dealing with a full deck.
Post by Skeeter
then lied about having a security system. If you had one,
you'd have already posted *any* video you've got from it.
never said it takes "video", idiot. though, video is just a bunch of=
still images strung together, so i guess "video" to you is 3 frames p=
Post by Skeeter
second or so.
continuing failure to do so stands as all the proof anyone needs tha=
Post by Skeeter
you've been caught in yet *another* lie...
when you gonna *prove* your lie about being here?
He will spin away from it.
you think? LOL
Post by Skeeter
like your lie that you have
rich parents, or that you made a huge sum off your shitshack
half-a-house hovel, or that you have "rich relatives" who are going =
Post by Skeeter
leave you "trust funds", or your denials that you admitted having a
tranny dating website profile that you use to pick up anonymous
rough-trade one-night-stand cock. LOL
but didn't you also k'lame that your Linux-driven security system
doesn't put time stamps on the videos and photos?
Liar. The program you k'lamed to be using does that by default.
QED, you're a lying faggot. LOL
it might do it by default, but i changed the config to not timestam=
Post by Skeeter
because i didn't want to block out details in the image for no reas=
on =
Post by Skeeter
use up cpu cycles.
"use up CPU cycles" LOL!
Because entering a time and date stamp is *so* CPU intensive. Lying
backpedaling moron. LOL
it is for an enterprise class sever from 1994. also, i don't need a
timestamp in the image in real time, moron.
the file saves with the name containing date down to
milliseconds. it would be redundant to waste pixels and CPU to represent
this. i could write a script to parse the filename and add the timestamp
to the image. IDIOT.
So your k'lamed shit security system doesn't even take video?
i didn't set it up for video. why do i need video?
Another attempt by fakey to evade and spin.
yet, he k'lamed it took videos just above that? whadda maroon!
Post by Skeeter
And your
computer is so underpowered that you can't spare a couple clock cycl=
Post by Skeeter
to put the time and date stamp in the images. Yet you've *not* alrea=
Post by Skeeter
written "a script to parse the filename and add the timestamp to the=
image", which would take *more* CPU cycles that doing it in real-tim=
Post by Skeeter
150 IQ, or lying backpedaling moron? LOL
i've never had to release an image to the public or to authorities. =
if =
Post by Skeeter
did, i would time stamp the image before releasing it. that's what i=
would have done if there was ever a 6'5" oaf on my porch being confus=
ed =
Post by Skeeter
a doorbell that they couldn't see because they actually weren't there=
Post by Skeeter
Why do you continue to deny that you have a tranny dating profile?=
Post by Skeeter
the only reason you can't stop bringing it up is that you wish you =
Post by Skeeter
have set up a profile for me, instead. also, having a profile somewhere
doesn't mean anybody is "dating", snickers. you ought to know abou=
Post by Skeeter
Of course. Because your anonymous rough-trade one-night-stand
cockfests aren't considered "dating"... unless you consider your
pickup line "Looking for a date?" to classify it as such. LOL
i must go on lots of dates in your head.
We take up all the space in his head, his hard drive and he prolly
mumbles our names as he's headed to the booze store.

Post by Skeeter
Where's your proof of these "rich relatives" who are going to leav=
Post by Skeeter
you multiple "trust funds" (your words)? LOL
how exactly do i *prove* to a snickerTard who i'm related to, much =
Post by Skeeter
whether i am in any particular person's will?
Considering that you've been caught lying about your "rich parents",=
you can't. LOL
you mean the parents who just gave me $8000 as a gift recently becaus=
Post by Skeeter
they felt bad that i haven't asked them for anything for a decade?
And he never proved you told a lie.
nope. not yet. still waiting for him to prove his k'lames that radaris=

provides anything more than a statistical extrapolation from ancient dat=
a =

that they rightly give away freely.
Post by Skeeter
Where are your rich parents? Living in a shitty rural hole that's
worth even less than your shitshack half-a-house hovel. LOL
your sophomoric attempts to pretend that what you scare up on some =
Post by Skeeter
website isn't data from 5 years ago are again laughed at.
Yeah, because your retired worker-bee parents *stopped* working to g=
Post by Skeeter
rich. That's why they still live in that rural shithole. You're lowe=
Post by Skeeter
middle-class, as is your entire family. Deal with it, DildoRider. LO=
Post by Skeeter
they invested every single penny wisely. my dad was a federal safety=
inspector in the mines for almost a quarter century before they shut
down. he retired with USPS. was that on your highly fucked radaris
dossier? LOL
Why do you continue to deny that you've admitted your shitshack
half-a-house hovel has earned you a grand total of $36/month avera=
Post by Skeeter
per month for the time you've owned it?
when did i ever say it "earned me anything", shitshow? it doesn't =
Post by Skeeter
me anything" until i sell it outright, dingbat. that could be a =
more. please feel free to hold your breath.
So you'll make an additional $4320 over the next "decade or more", n=
Post by Skeeter
including upkeep and maintenance. Meanwhile, that shitshack is
degenerating more. How old is it now? LOL
so where's it degenerating, exactly?
And that $36 per month isn't
factoring in such items as maintenance
maintenance that i have easily handled. check out the cost of livi=
ng =
Post by Skeeter
pittsburgh, dingus. i buy a tank of gas every month for my car, on=
average, because i bike everywhere. i put my money into my investm=
Post by Skeeter
which is my home, not in supporting oil wars, like by driving a hum=
Post by Skeeter
like a douchebag, for instance.
"i put my money into my investment which is my home" LOL
If it's an investment, you don't have to keep putting money into it
for 15 fucking years, you witless nong. LOL
i don't *have* to live in it either, but i do. funny, that. do you
figure i'd be better off trying to run a recording studio and a DIY
fabrication shop in a $400/mo "studio" apartment? DUMBASS.
i replaced a water heater... after a decade of living there. there=
Post by Skeeter
some other random plumbing fixes and upgrades that i did on my own
recently. not really "breaking the bank" kind of maintenance, =
i can only imagine what kind of suburban nightmare you must live in=
Post by Skeeter
project all sorts of "maintenance" fees.
I'm set up so I can pay $150 / hour for my plumber to fix any plumbi=
Post by Skeeter
problems, and write it off on my taxes. My plumber is me. So whereas=
your house is costing you, mine is not only appreciating like mad,
it's offsetting taxable income. Moron.
sounds like a lot of hoops to jump through just to prove ones self to=
Post by Skeeter
be a
cheap-ass un-american piece of shit.
He's so full of shit. I just laff at his spew.
snickers the plumber at your service! LOL
Post by Skeeter
i bet you pulled shit like charge yourself 8 hours of work to replace=
Post by Skeeter
old screw-type valve with a more reliable 1/4 turn, too. great job,
He would be confused at that, He'll prolly google it and copy/paste
his response...LOL
that's what was expected, of course.
Post by Skeeter
and upkeep... you're losing
money big-time on that shitshack, even with the price appreciation=
Post by Skeeter
there are comparable homes on the market in my neighborhood that ar=
Post by Skeeter
selling for $400,000. the longer i wait and work on renovating, th=
Post by Skeeter
my house is worth, despite what you think of an ancient picture of =
Post by Skeeter
google took before lots of work was done on it. (because you were =
No, I saw the new roof, the new roof flashing,
on my side maybe. while you were busy lying about being here, the
property next door was still not sold. that sale didn't finalize unt=
Post by Skeeter
around september.
the efflorescence
removed from the brickwork,
except nobody did anything like that around here.
the vines taken off the east side of the
there were never vines on the east side of the house. maybe you're
confusing a honeysuckle and some rose of sharon as a "vine"? funny t=
Post by Skeeter
the east side of the house is the only side visible from street view,=
though. why don't you tell me something about the west side of the =
in the driveway alley? hmmm?
Now he will come back as some sort of plant expert.
i can't wait!
Post by Skeeter
the new downspout...
what new downspout? now, you're just making shit up.
He tried that with me, He said my electric meter was not running, Fact=
is I don't have one of those, it's all done online, he's such a lying
queer fag.
ask him if his fridge is running.
Post by Skeeter
it's still an overgrown dry-rotted piece
of shit. You should fix the porch gable.
show me a pic of what you're talking about, snickers. i'll post a pi=
c =
Post by Skeeter
what it looks like 4 years after google took the pic that you are
free clue: there's not even a dilapidated about-to-fall-down tree a=
t =
Post by Skeeter
address right next door anymore. the new owner fixed the roof and =
Post by Skeeter
doing a bunch of other work to get it ready for a renter. also, i g=
ot =
Post by Skeeter
new car a while ago.
Red, right?
nope. that's one of the neighbor's. red civic that's been parking =
for about 6 years. a new girl just moved into that art collective th=
Post by Skeeter
month and has another red car. mine is a gray 2012 accord. see them=
Post by Skeeter
google? no? hold your breath and wait, snickers. LOL
LOL He will LOL
Post by Skeeter
now maybe we can all see the context of your desperate k'lames of =
me where i live. let's see how many years it takes for google to upd=
Post by Skeeter
their imagery to show an additional red car and a gray accord in my
parking area while you keep pretending it's a real-time window that y=
Post by Skeeter
can peep through at your victims and try desperately to konvince them=
Post by Skeeter
you "RILLY, RILLY" are a r/l stalkerPsycho.
here's another hint: the yellow ford station wagon behind the house i=
n =
Post by Skeeter
parking area was the old lady's from next door before she left it
deteriorate for years before she fell ill and passed away. that was
removed and scrapped 3 months ago.
kept the old one for a winter beater. it will
probably be 4 years from now when you notice it on your google-stro=
Post by Skeeter
through my neighborhood, psycho.
Sure, keep up the ruse, you fucking coward.
i eagerly await your image (or verbose description) of the "porch gab=
Post by Skeeter
that you claim needs to be repaired, snickers. we'll get down to the=
bottom of this.
Don't say "bottom" He gets excited.
(PS: don't tell him that neither of my porches have gables - i think he'=
s =

now stalking the house across the driveway alley 2 doors down. maybe =

that's why he couldn't see the security camera behind him and to his rig=
ht =

in the upper inside corner of MY porch. he was on someone else's! =


-- =




If my poasts are offensive to you, you can always block all From: header=
s =

containing "***@", unless you are an idiot who would like to =

yammer about "morphing" and maybe try to lodge some frivolous complaints=

to my news provider, then please be sure to ignore this helpful =

information and have fun making an ass of yourself in public. :)

if that route of silencing those horrid opinions of mine that you =

downloaded to your computer under duress doesn't work you can always try=
: =


The Gish Gallop is often used as an indirect argument from authority =E2=
=80=94 as =

it appears to paint the galloper as an expert in a broad range of subjec=
ts =

or with an extensive knowledge of an individual one. Simultaneously it =

presents opponents (in spoken debates) or refuters (in written, =

Internet-based ones) as incompetent bumblers who didn't do their homewor=
k =

before the debate. Such emphasis on style over substance is the reason =

many scientists disdain public debates as a forum for disseminating =

opinions. - Page #1 from the Gospel of SnickerTurd

Coming soon! To a newsgroup near you!:

$ perl fakeyBot.pl
FakeyBot> I'm FakeyBot. What's your name so I can Google-stalk you=
, =

look you up on Radaris, and hurl invective and probably-illegal harrassi=
ng =

bile from behind an anonymous dizum account? <snicker>
You> Robert Michael Wolfe
FakeyBot> Oh look, you're back again to polish my size 16 steel-to=
ed =

boot with your colon and listen to me talk about bestiality and cocks, =

Robert. <snicker>
Robert> you talk about cocks a lot.
FakeyBot> Oh, I talk about sex a lot?
Robert> gay sex, mostly...
FakeyBot> Fag!

(just as useful as the original!)

snickers the wonderturd describes how he alerted lots of his kiddie pr0n=

friends to the ensuing FBI sting in message =

"That's easy enough to do... how do you think my crew uncovered the
largest CP ring using Tor and I2P, which we promptly turned over to
the FBI? I discovered a way to uncover the IP addresses the I2P users we=
re =

using, and a way of tracking Eepsites back to their IP addresses, then w=
e =

figured out that we could DDOS a Tor IP address and modify Tor headers =

while checking whether a Tor hidden service was still up, then using =

process of elimination to pinpoint the IP address hosting that hidden =

service. It's not rocket science.

_The I2P community got all up in arms when I discussed on their forum ho=
w =

I was doing it, and that it'd be a good way of cleaning up I2P so it can=

get on with being a platform to research anonymous communication... my =

distinct impression was that the "anonymity
research platform" story was just a cover story to allow pervs to
trade CP._ (NOTE: admits to participating in what he "suspected" was a =

kiddie pr0n network.)

That Silk Road 2.0 was taken offline in the ensuing FBI Operation
Onymous was just icing on the cake."
Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
2015-12-16 05:19:15 UTC
Time to spin the kooks up again. Melt, kooks, melt. <snicker>

Robert Michael Wolfe the Pittsburgh Pied Piper Of Penis (aka
DildoRider) of 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey),
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
On Tue, 15 Dec 2015 01:44:47 -0500, Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Where are those videos and time-stamped photos from your vaporware
"security system"?
it doesn't time-stamp the image because i unchecked that option in the
Sure, because not time and date-stamping your *security* videos is
such a good idea.
the name of the image file has the date and time. pictures of squirrels
on my porch don't need a timestamp.
File datestamps can easily be manipulated, embedded date and time
stamps, not so easily without being detected.

So you don't have any video. And you've not presented any proof that
you even have this cheap-ass time-lapse "security" system that doesn't
keep time stamps on the images.

Why haven't you presented any proof, DildoRider? Oh yeah, because you
don't have any. Because you're lying. Again. LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
150 IQ, or caught in a lie and desperately backpedaling? LOL
except, you are the one who is desperate to *prove* that you are a RL
You invited me to visit, I visited, you cowered behind your door as I
knocked loudly. Now you're desperately backpedaling by k'laming me not
to have visited, further k'laming that you have video "evidence" of
this, yet you're somehow unable to post this fake "evidence" because
you're lying. LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
the filename is the date. time-stamps can be added at anytime
afterward, dingus. you must have me confused with someone else whom
you've pretended to stalk in real life, snickers. that's probably all
that's going on here.
"When caught in an obvious lie, as a kook it is incumbent upon me to
what's to lie about? i save a bunch of image files in a directory and
their NAMES are what i see first. why would i need to have a timestamp
already in the image? the server i'm running it on is a compaq proliant.
i don't need to waste CPU cycles editing images in real time.
furthermore, my cameras aren't HD yet, so slapping a timestamp over the
original image causes loss of information.
but you're so smart...
"I'm blurting out all this detail because I'm lying, but I'm desperate
to cover up the fact that I'm lying." LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
they don't exist because my security software is set up to only record
when movement in certain zones of the image is detected.
"When caught in an obvious lie, as a kook it is incumbent upon me to
come up with some stupid reason to explain away my lack of ability to
prove I'm not lying."
yes. hence your repetitive "translations" from human-speak to
"When caught in a lie that I was using to cover up an even bigger lie,
I take every opportunity to non sequitur in hopes I can divert
attention away from the fact that I'm a lying piece of shit." LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
DildoRider's never heard of round-robin recording. 150 IQ? LOL
i certainly don't remove images, dipshit. my system records when movement
is detected. i don't need to dig through thousands of frames where
there's no action. in fact, i can see that there are 10 imaqes in the
folder for today's date, all named with the timestamp. mail must have
come early.
And yet you can't post any of them because you're lying. Now you'll be
forced to take your shitty cheap digital camera, position yourself on
a step ladder to get a shot, change positions to get another angle
because you've lied about having multiple cameras on the porch of your
shitshack half-a-house hovel, fake up the date and time stamps on the
files, then post them while crowing "SEE?! PROOOOOFFFF!" until it's
shown that the EXIF data isn't from a video system, it's from a
handheld camera, the angle of the sun doesn't correlate to the date
and time stamp, and you can't replicate the exact angle of the shot
when additional photo "proof" is asked for, whereupon you'll melt down
with a CAPSphoam bleat, then disappear for awhile. Again. LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
funny how you can't produce something tangible to support your
yip-yapping like a celphone pic of my porch or stickers on my front door or simply
describe things on my property not visible from google street view and
google satellite view, innit?
I already provided a description of parts of your house that aren't
visible except by visiting the property, DildoRider.
such as? because i haven't heard you talk about anything that isn't
visible on google.
DYOFDW, DildoRider. Your inability to comprehend what you read isn't
anyone's problem but your own. I discussed several things you still
needed to fix on the exterior, I discussed the lack of video cameras
on your porch... then you started bleating out lie after lie about
rich parents, got caught in that lie, then about rich relatives who
would leave you "trust funds", got caught in that lie, then you
started backpedaling from your admission that you dress up as a woman
and troll dating websites for anonymous risky rough-trade
one-night-stand rectalfests... all to cover up the fact that you got
caught lying about having a multiple camera video security system on
the porch of your shitshack half-a-house hovel. Moron. Lying Moron.
Lying Faggoty Moron. LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
Now, why haven't you provided *any* video or photographic proof of
your having a multi-camera video security system on your shitshack
half-a-house hovel? LOL
what kind of idiot would expect someone to divulge the locations of their
hidden security cameras?
ask yourself that question, snickers.
Now it's sooooper sekret "hidden security cameras". LOL

Next thing you know, DildoRider will be k'laming he's got titanium
doors with perimeter deadbolts, barbed wire, guard dogs, armed guards
and lethal boobytraps, and the fact that I'm even alive *proves* my
not having been on his porch. Moron. LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
And now that you're k'laming there are "security
cameras" (plural), you'll be forced to fake up multiple angles... oh,
no, you said there "weren't security cameras visible"... because you
looked on street view at pictures likely taken about 4 years ago AND the
camera(s?) is/are not meant to be obvious and, in fact, is/are blocked
from view of your streetview driveby(TM) by the lush foliage in my yard
and so that's another telltale sign that you're a lying coward.
Says the lying coward who hid in his house as I knocked loudly on the
yes, you knocked loudly on a door that had a doorbell.
CLEARLY, you must have been here. DUMBASS!
Non sequitur as you squirm in trying to escape having been caught in a
lie. As I've stated before, I never use the doorbell. I can knock
louder than most doorbells can ring, and sometimes doorbells don't
work... especially on shitshack half-a-house hovels that
lower-middle-class faggoty retards pay too much for then brag about
how much they've "made" on the property (although they've only
averaged a "profit" of $36/month not taking into account upkeep and
maintenance) simply because better houses than his overgrown
ramshackle shitbox have appreciated in value around his dryrotted
dilapidated crapshack. LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
then lied about having a security system. If you had one,
you'd have already posted *any* video you've got from it.
never said it takes "video", idiot. though, video is just a bunch of
still images strung together, so i guess "video" to you is 3 frames per
second or so.
And yet you can't post any video *or* photographic proof to back up
your lie about having a "ZoneMinder" security system with multiple
cameras... if you could, you would have by now. Ergo, you've been
caught in yet another of your many lies, DildoRider. LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
Your continuing failure to do so stands as all the proof anyone
needs that you've been caught in yet *another* lie...
when you gonna *prove* your lie about being here?
You have the security system photographic proof, DildoRider... oh,
wait, no you don't, because you're lying about having a multi-camera
security system on your porch. Just as you were lying about having
"rich parents", which morphed into your lie that you had "rich
relatives" who were going to leave you "trust funds" in their wills
(proving the lie with your own words), just as you were lying when you
tried to backpedal away from admitting you dress up as a woman and
troll dating websites for anonymous risky rough-trade one-night-stand
sex with dudes, just as you were lying when you tried to backpedal
away from admitting that when you strike out on those websites, you
beg your "girlfriend" to strap a dildo on so you can ride fake cock
while you fantasize about real cock, just as you lie about being
doubly-gay *because* you both ride cock and when you can't do that you
ride fakecock, yet you k'lame that somehow makes you "bisexual" and
*not* "doubly-gay". LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
like your lie that you have
rich parents, or that you made a huge sum off your shitshack
half-a-house hovel, or that you have "rich relatives" who are going to
leave you "trust funds", or your denials that you admitted having a
tranny dating website profile that you use to pick up anonymous
rough-trade one-night-stand cock. LOL
<crickets> LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Liar. The program you k'lamed to be using does that by default.
QED, you're a lying faggot. LOL
it might do it by default, but i changed the config to not timestamp
because i didn't want to block out details in the image for no reason or
use up cpu cycles.
"use up CPU cycles" LOL!
Because entering a time and date stamp is *so* CPU intensive. Lying
backpedaling moron. LOL
it is for an enterprise class sever from 1994. also, i don't need a
timestamp in the image in real time, moron.
So you admit you can only afford computers from 1994. Yet you "made" a
mint on your shitshack hovel, you have "rich parents", you have "rich
relatives"... another of your lies exposed. LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
So your k'lamed shit security system doesn't even take video?
i didn't set it up for video. why do i need video?
Of course... you're so poor you have nothing worth stealing. Which is
why you can only afford computers from 1994, and why you have no
multi-camera video security system. More of your lies exposed. LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
And your computer is so underpowered that you can't spare a couple
clock cycles to put the time and date stamp in the images. Yet
you've *not* already written "a script to parse the filename and
add the timestamp to the image", which would take *more* CPU cycles
that doing it in real-time. 150 IQ, or lying backpedaling moron? LOL
i've never had to release an image to the public or to authorities. if i
did, i would time stamp the image before releasing it. that's what i
would have done if there was ever a 6'5" oaf on my porch being confused by
a doorbell that they couldn't see because they actually weren't there.
"I'm desperate to cover up my lie about having a multi-camera security
system hooked to a Tandy TRS-80 Model 4, which is the best computer I
can afford. That's why I'm squirming so much, rather than just post
some of the camera views... because that'd *prove* I'm lying." LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
Of course. Because your anonymous rough-trade one-night-stand
cockfests aren't considered "dating"... unless you consider your
pickup line "Looking for a date?" to classify it as such. LOL
i must go on lots of dates in your head.
You've admitted you set up a tranny dating profile, DildoRider. But if
you insist that you're such a pasty skinny emo goth AIDS-looking freak
that you constantly strike out with your tranny dating profile, so be
it. LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
how exactly do i *prove* to a snickerTard who i'm related to, much less
whether i am in any particular person's will?
Considering that you've been caught lying about your "rich parents",
you can't. LOL
you mean the parents who just gave me $8000 as a gift recently because
they felt bad that i haven't asked them for anything for a decade?
Another lie. LOL

"My parents felt guilty because I'm so anti-social that I shut myself
away from everyone because I'm embarrassed about admitting that I
dress up as a tranny to troll dating websites for anonymous cock, so
my parents gave me money because they felt it'd make up for their
inability to give me love when I was younger, which is why I dress up
as a tranny and troll dating websites for anonymous cock." LOL!
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
Yeah, because your retired worker-bee parents *stopped* working to get
rich. That's why they still live in that rural shithole. You're lower
middle-class, as is your entire family. Deal with it, DildoRider. LOL
they invested every single penny wisely. my dad was a federal safety
inspector in the mines for almost a quarter century before they shut
down. he retired with USPS. was that on your highly fucked radaris
dossier? LOL
That doesn't make them rich, DildoRider. That makes them "fixed
income". LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
So you'll make an additional $4320 over the next "decade or more", not
including upkeep and maintenance. Meanwhile, that shitshack is
degenerating more. How old is it now? LOL
so where's it degenerating, exactly?
You figure it out. You mean you didn't see all the dry rot? LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
And that $36 per month isn't factoring in such items as maintenance
maintenance that i have easily handled. check out the cost of living in
pittsburgh, dingus. i buy a tank of gas every month for my car, on
average, because i bike everywhere. i put my money into my investment
which is my home, not in supporting oil wars, like by driving a hummer
like a douchebag, for instance.
"i put my money into my investment which is my home" LOL
If it's an investment, you don't have to keep putting money into it
for 15 fucking years, you witless nong. LOL
i don't *have* to live in it either, but i do. funny, that. do you
figure i'd be better off trying to run a recording studio and a DIY
fabrication shop in a $400/mo "studio" apartment? DUMBASS.
"recording studio" LOL
You "record" for those who have such shitty music they can't find
anyone else to record for them. They might as well get a cassette tape
recorder to make their "demo tapes", for all the good it'll do them.

"fabrication shop" LOL
Is that for your five hundred clown cycles that you have to pedal at
8000 RPM to go 10 MPH? Why is the trials bike Wikipedia page
cross-linked to clown unicycles? Do you wear a red nose and floppy
shoes when you do your "trials", or just polka-dotted coveralls? LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
I'm set up so I can pay $150 / hour for my plumber to fix any plumbing
problems, and write it off on my taxes. My plumber is me. So whereas
your house is costing you, mine is not only appreciating like mad,
it's offsetting taxable income. Moron.
sounds like a lot of hoops to jump through just to prove ones self to be a
cheap-ass un-american piece of shit.
i bet you pulled shit like charge yourself 8 hours of work to replace an
old screw-type valve with a more reliable 1/4 turn, too. great job,
It's all legal. That you're too stoooopid to utilize the loopholes in
the law to minimize taxable income isn't anyone's fault but your
own... and your parents. Maybe if they'd given a shit about you to
begin with, they'd have taught you these sorts of things, and they
wouldn't have felt so guilty about ruining your life and turning you
gay that they needed to give you a paltry $8000 to assuage their
guilt. But $8000, or less than a dollar a day for every day of your
pathetic life... that's the price you put on their love, DildoRider.
Like a cheap whore, you are. LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
there are comparable homes on the market in my neighborhood that are
selling for $400,000. the longer i wait and work on renovating, the
more my house is worth, despite what you think of an ancient picture of it
that google took before lots of work was done on it. (because you were never
No, I saw the new roof, the new roof flashing,
on my side maybe. while you were busy lying about being here, the
property next door was still not sold. that sale didn't finalize until
around september.
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
the efflorescence removed from the brickwork,
except nobody did anything like that around here.
Then why was the brickwork cleaner on your side of your shitshack
half-a-house, DildoRider? You never high pressure sprayed the outer
walls? LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
the vines taken off the east side of the house,
there were never vines on the east side of the house. maybe you're
confusing a honeysuckle and some rose of sharon as a "vine"? funny that
the east side of the house is the only side visible from street view,
though. why don't you tell me something about the west side of the house
in the driveway alley? hmmm?
It had vines on it, too, but they were mostly dead... less sun, I
assume. Also, you should do away with those glass block basement
windows, or at least put metal grating over them. They're very easy to
kick in. Moron.
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
the new downspout...
what new downspout? now, you're just making shit up.
Message-ID: <***@dizum.com>
"also, in recent news, i just had a hundred-year-old slate roof and
gutters replaced and my house wiring brought up to date. now i'm
working on stripping...". Lying Moron. LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
it's still an overgrown dry-rotted piece of shit. You should fix
the porch gable.
show me a pic of what you're talking about, snickers. i'll post a pic of
what it looks like 4 years after google took the pic that you are
If you can't see the dry rot, then you deserve to have your shitshack
half-a-house hovel fall down around you, DildoRider. Go drop some more
money into that fucking money pit. Maybe you'll break even in the next
couple decades. LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
free clue: there's not even a dilapidated about-to-fall-down tree at the
address right next door anymore. the new owner fixed the roof and is
doing a bunch of other work to get it ready for a renter. also, i got a
new car a while ago.
Red, right?
nope. that's one of the neighbor's. red civic that's been parking there
for about 6 years. a new girl just moved into that art collective this
month and has another red car.
Ah, that's what it was. A different car, so I assumed it was yours.

Yeah, you sure live in a "good neighborhood"... you've had three car
break-ins *on* *your* *little* *section* *of* *street* in the past
three months. LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
mine is a gray 2012 accord. see them on
google? no? hold your breath and wait, snickers. LOL
now maybe we can all see the context of your desperate k'lames of stalking
me where i live.
Awww, DildoRider forgets he *invited* me to visit. LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
let's see how many years it takes for google to update
their imagery to show an additional red car and a gray accord in my
parking area while you keep pretending it's a real-time window that you
can peep through at your victims and try desperately to konvince them that
you "RILLY, RILLY" are a r/l stalkerPsycho.
here's another hint: the yellow ford station wagon behind the house in the
parking area was the old lady's from next door before she left it
deteriorate for years before she fell ill and passed away. that was
removed and scrapped 3 months ago.
Nice bleatage, DildoRider. You're obviously perturbed by having been
caught in several lies. LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
i eagerly await your image (or verbose description) of the "porch gable"
that you claim needs to be repaired, snickers. we'll get down to the
bottom of this.
I've already described it. You've got dry rot. Moron.

Robert Michael Wolfe the Pittsburgh Pied Piper Of Penis (aka
DildoRider, aka Teh Mop Jockey)
5907 Stanton Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA
(412) 799-0532
(412) 665-8289
(412) 404-8757

DildoRider admits he's stoooopid:
MID: <***@dizum.com>
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
it appears I've kicked your ass so hard it's
damaged your brain, DildoRider.
then it appears that you like shooting fish in
barrels, intellectually lazy fuckhead that you are.
Well, you've just admitted that intellectually kicking your ass is
akin to shooting fish in a barrel... IOW, you've admitted that you're
stoooopid. No un-ringing that bell.


DildoRider admits he's "really stupid" (his words). LOL
MID: <***@dizum.com>
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
so what you're saying is that your targets for attack
have to be really stupid or else you can't manage?

DildoRider admits much more about himself:
MID: <***@dizum.com>
"absolutely and completely retarded, insane, gay, ugly, smelly,
toothless, dirt-poor, incontinent and possibly homeless"

This is a libtard's method of "winning", for fuck sake.

"Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
2015-12-16 05:35:51 UTC
On Wed, 16 Dec 2015 00:19:15 -0500, Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler =
Time to spin the kooks up again. Melt, kooks, melt. <snicker>
Robert Michael Wolfe the Pittsburgh Pied Piper Of Penis (aka
DildoRider) of 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey),=
On Tue, 15 Dec 2015 01:44:47 -0500, Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangl=
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
Where are those videos and time-stamped photos from your vaporware=
"security system"?
it doesn't time-stamp the image because i unchecked that option in =
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
Sure, because not time and date-stamping your *security* videos is
such a good idea.
the name of the image file has the date and time. pictures of squirr=
on my porch don't need a timestamp.
File datestamps can easily be manipulated, embedded date and time
stamps, not so easily without being detected.
those would ALSO be there inside the jpg headers of the file. wouldn't =


wouldn't they?
So you don't have any video. And you've not presented any proof that
you even have this cheap-ass time-lapse "security" system that doesn't=
keep time stamps on the images.
Why haven't you presented any proof, DildoRider? Oh yeah, because you
don't have any. Because you're lying. Again. LOL
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
150 IQ, or caught in a lie and desperately backpedaling? LOL
except, you are the one who is desperate to *prove* that you are a RL=
You invited me to visit, I visited, you cowered behind your door as I
knocked loudly. Now you're desperately backpedaling by k'laming me not=
to have visited, further k'laming that you have video "evidence" of
this, yet you're somehow unable to post this fake "evidence" because
you're lying. LOL
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
the filename is the date. time-stamps can be added at anytime
afterward, dingus. you must have me confused with someone else who=
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
you've pretended to stalk in real life, snickers. that's probably =
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
that's going on here.
"When caught in an obvious lie, as a kook it is incumbent upon me to=
what's to lie about? i save a bunch of image files in a directory an=
their NAMES are what i see first. why would i need to have a timesta=
already in the image? the server i'm running it on is a compaq =
i don't need to waste CPU cycles editing images in real time.
furthermore, my cameras aren't HD yet, so slapping a timestamp over t=
original image causes loss of information.
but you're so smart...
"I'm blurting out all this detail because I'm lying, but I'm desperate=
to cover up the fact that I'm lying." LOL
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
they don't exist because my security software is set up to only rec=
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
when movement in certain zones of the image is detected.
"When caught in an obvious lie, as a kook it is incumbent upon me to=
come up with some stupid reason to explain away my lack of ability t=
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
prove I'm not lying."
yes. hence your repetitive "translations" from human-speak to
"When caught in a lie that I was using to cover up an even bigger lie,=
I take every opportunity to non sequitur in hopes I can divert
attention away from the fact that I'm a lying piece of shit." LOL
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
DildoRider's never heard of round-robin recording. 150 IQ? LOL
i certainly don't remove images, dipshit. my system records when =
is detected. i don't need to dig through thousands of frames where
there's no action. in fact, i can see that there are 10 imaqes in th=
folder for today's date, all named with the timestamp. mail must hav=
come early.
And yet you can't post any of them because you're lying. Now you'll be=
forced to take your shitty cheap digital camera, position yourself on
a step ladder to get a shot, change positions to get another angle
because you've lied about having multiple cameras on the porch of your=
shitshack half-a-house hovel, fake up the date and time stamps on the
files, then post them while crowing "SEE?! PROOOOOFFFF!" until it's
shown that the EXIF data isn't from a video system, it's from a
handheld camera, the angle of the sun doesn't correlate to the date
and time stamp, and you can't replicate the exact angle of the shot
when additional photo "proof" is asked for, whereupon you'll melt down=
with a CAPSphoam bleat, then disappear for awhile. Again. LOL
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
funny how you can't produce something tangible to support your
yip-yapping like a celphone pic of my porch or stickers on my front=
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
door or simply
describe things on my property not visible from google street view =
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
google satellite view, innit?
I already provided a description of parts of your house that aren't
visible except by visiting the property, DildoRider.
such as? because i haven't heard you talk about anything that isn't
visible on google.
DYOFDW, DildoRider. Your inability to comprehend what you read isn't
anyone's problem but your own. I discussed several things you still
needed to fix on the exterior, I discussed the lack of video cameras
on your porch... then you started bleating out lie after lie about
rich parents, got caught in that lie, then about rich relatives who
would leave you "trust funds", got caught in that lie, then you
started backpedaling from your admission that you dress up as a woman
and troll dating websites for anonymous risky rough-trade
one-night-stand rectalfests... all to cover up the fact that you got
caught lying about having a multiple camera video security system on
the porch of your shitshack half-a-house hovel. Moron. Lying Moron.
Lying Faggoty Moron. LOL
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
Now, why haven't you provided *any* video or photographic proof of
your having a multi-camera video security system on your shitshack
half-a-house hovel? LOL
what kind of idiot would expect someone to divulge the locations of =
hidden security cameras?
ask yourself that question, snickers.
Now it's sooooper sekret "hidden security cameras". LOL
Next thing you know, DildoRider will be k'laming he's got titanium
doors with perimeter deadbolts, barbed wire, guard dogs, armed guards
and lethal boobytraps, and the fact that I'm even alive *proves* my
not having been on his porch. Moron. LOL
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
And now that you're k'laming there are "security
cameras" (plural), you'll be forced to fake up multiple angles... =
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
no, you said there "weren't security cameras visible"... because yo=
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
looked on street view at pictures likely taken about 4 years ago AN=
D =
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
camera(s?) is/are not meant to be obvious and, in fact, is/are bloc=
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
from view of your streetview driveby(TM) by the lush foliage in my=
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
and so that's another telltale sign that you're a lying coward.
Says the lying coward who hid in his house as I knocked loudly on th=
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
yes, you knocked loudly on a door that had a doorbell.
CLEARLY, you must have been here. DUMBASS!
Non sequitur as you squirm in trying to escape having been caught in a=
lie. As I've stated before, I never use the doorbell. I can knock
louder than most doorbells can ring, and sometimes doorbells don't
work... especially on shitshack half-a-house hovels that
lower-middle-class faggoty retards pay too much for then brag about
how much they've "made" on the property (although they've only
averaged a "profit" of $36/month not taking into account upkeep and
maintenance) simply because better houses than his overgrown
ramshackle shitbox have appreciated in value around his dryrotted
dilapidated crapshack. LOL
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
then lied about having a security system. If you had one,
you'd have already posted *any* video you've got from it.
never said it takes "video", idiot. though, video is just a bunch of=
still images strung together, so i guess "video" to you is 3 frames p=
second or so.
And yet you can't post any video *or* photographic proof to back up
your lie about having a "ZoneMinder" security system with multiple
cameras... if you could, you would have by now. Ergo, you've been
caught in yet another of your many lies, DildoRider. LOL
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
Your continuing failure to do so stands as all the proof anyone
needs that you've been caught in yet *another* lie...
when you gonna *prove* your lie about being here?
You have the security system photographic proof, DildoRider... oh,
wait, no you don't, because you're lying about having a multi-camera
security system on your porch. Just as you were lying about having
"rich parents", which morphed into your lie that you had "rich
relatives" who were going to leave you "trust funds" in their wills
(proving the lie with your own words), just as you were lying when you=
tried to backpedal away from admitting you dress up as a woman and
troll dating websites for anonymous risky rough-trade one-night-stand
sex with dudes, just as you were lying when you tried to backpedal
away from admitting that when you strike out on those websites, you
beg your "girlfriend" to strap a dildo on so you can ride fake cock
while you fantasize about real cock, just as you lie about being
doubly-gay *because* you both ride cock and when you can't do that you=
ride fakecock, yet you k'lame that somehow makes you "bisexual" and
*not* "doubly-gay". LOL
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
like your lie that you have
rich parents, or that you made a huge sum off your shitshack
half-a-house hovel, or that you have "rich relatives" who are going =
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
leave you "trust funds", or your denials that you admitted having a
tranny dating website profile that you use to pick up anonymous
rough-trade one-night-stand cock. LOL
<crickets> LOL
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
Liar. The program you k'lamed to be using does that by default.
QED, you're a lying faggot. LOL
it might do it by default, but i changed the config to not timestam=
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
because i didn't want to block out details in the image for no reas=
on =
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
use up cpu cycles.
"use up CPU cycles" LOL!
Because entering a time and date stamp is *so* CPU intensive. Lying
backpedaling moron. LOL
it is for an enterprise class sever from 1994. also, i don't need a
timestamp in the image in real time, moron.
So you admit you can only afford computers from 1994. Yet you "made" a=
mint on your shitshack hovel, you have "rich parents", you have "rich
relatives"... another of your lies exposed. LOL
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
So your k'lamed shit security system doesn't even take video?
i didn't set it up for video. why do i need video?
Of course... you're so poor you have nothing worth stealing. Which is
why you can only afford computers from 1994, and why you have no
multi-camera video security system. More of your lies exposed. LOL
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
And your computer is so underpowered that you can't spare a couple
clock cycles to put the time and date stamp in the images. Yet
you've *not* already written "a script to parse the filename and
add the timestamp to the image", which would take *more* CPU cycles
that doing it in real-time. 150 IQ, or lying backpedaling moron? LOL=
i've never had to release an image to the public or to authorities. =
if =
did, i would time stamp the image before releasing it. that's what i=
would have done if there was ever a 6'5" oaf on my porch being confus=
ed =
a doorbell that they couldn't see because they actually weren't there=
"I'm desperate to cover up my lie about having a multi-camera security=
system hooked to a Tandy TRS-80 Model 4, which is the best computer I
can afford. That's why I'm squirming so much, rather than just post
some of the camera views... because that'd *prove* I'm lying." LOL
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
Of course. Because your anonymous rough-trade one-night-stand
cockfests aren't considered "dating"... unless you consider your
pickup line "Looking for a date?" to classify it as such. LOL
i must go on lots of dates in your head.
You've admitted you set up a tranny dating profile, DildoRider. But if=
you insist that you're such a pasty skinny emo goth AIDS-looking freak=
that you constantly strike out with your tranny dating profile, so be
it. LOL
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
how exactly do i *prove* to a snickerTard who i'm related to, much =
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
whether i am in any particular person's will?
Considering that you've been caught lying about your "rich parents",=
you can't. LOL
you mean the parents who just gave me $8000 as a gift recently becaus=
they felt bad that i haven't asked them for anything for a decade?
Another lie. LOL
"My parents felt guilty because I'm so anti-social that I shut myself
away from everyone because I'm embarrassed about admitting that I
dress up as a tranny to troll dating websites for anonymous cock, so
my parents gave me money because they felt it'd make up for their
inability to give me love when I was younger, which is why I dress up
as a tranny and troll dating websites for anonymous cock." LOL!
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
Yeah, because your retired worker-bee parents *stopped* working to g=
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
rich. That's why they still live in that rural shithole. You're lowe=
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
middle-class, as is your entire family. Deal with it, DildoRider. LO=
they invested every single penny wisely. my dad was a federal safety=
inspector in the mines for almost a quarter century before they shut
down. he retired with USPS. was that on your highly fucked radaris
dossier? LOL
That doesn't make them rich, DildoRider. That makes them "fixed
income". LOL
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
So you'll make an additional $4320 over the next "decade or more", n=
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
including upkeep and maintenance. Meanwhile, that shitshack is
degenerating more. How old is it now? LOL
so where's it degenerating, exactly?
You figure it out. You mean you didn't see all the dry rot? LOL
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
And that $36 per month isn't factoring in such items as maintenanc=
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
maintenance that i have easily handled. check out the cost of livi=
ng =
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
pittsburgh, dingus. i buy a tank of gas every month for my car, on=
average, because i bike everywhere. i put my money into my investm=
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
which is my home, not in supporting oil wars, like by driving a hum=
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
like a douchebag, for instance.
"i put my money into my investment which is my home" LOL
If it's an investment, you don't have to keep putting money into it
for 15 fucking years, you witless nong. LOL
i don't *have* to live in it either, but i do. funny, that. do you
figure i'd be better off trying to run a recording studio and a DIY
fabrication shop in a $400/mo "studio" apartment? DUMBASS.
"recording studio" LOL
You "record" for those who have such shitty music they can't find
anyone else to record for them. They might as well get a cassette tape=
recorder to make their "demo tapes", for all the good it'll do them.
"fabrication shop" LOL
Is that for your five hundred clown cycles that you have to pedal at
8000 RPM to go 10 MPH? Why is the trials bike Wikipedia page
cross-linked to clown unicycles? Do you wear a red nose and floppy
shoes when you do your "trials", or just polka-dotted coveralls? LOL
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
I'm set up so I can pay $150 / hour for my plumber to fix any plumbi=
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
problems, and write it off on my taxes. My plumber is me. So whereas=
your house is costing you, mine is not only appreciating like mad,
it's offsetting taxable income. Moron.
sounds like a lot of hoops to jump through just to prove ones self to=
be a
cheap-ass un-american piece of shit.
i bet you pulled shit like charge yourself 8 hours of work to replace=
old screw-type valve with a more reliable 1/4 turn, too. great job,
It's all legal. That you're too stoooopid to utilize the loopholes in
the law to minimize taxable income isn't anyone's fault but your
own... and your parents. Maybe if they'd given a shit about you to
begin with, they'd have taught you these sorts of things, and they
wouldn't have felt so guilty about ruining your life and turning you
gay that they needed to give you a paltry $8000 to assuage their
guilt. But $8000, or less than a dollar a day for every day of your
pathetic life... that's the price you put on their love, DildoRider.
Like a cheap whore, you are. LOL
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
there are comparable homes on the market in my neighborhood that ar=
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
selling for $400,000. the longer i wait and work on renovating, th=
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
more my house is worth, despite what you think of an ancient pictur=
e =
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
of it
that google took before lots of work was done on it. (because you =
were never
No, I saw the new roof, the new roof flashing,
on my side maybe. while you were busy lying about being here, the
property next door was still not sold. that sale didn't finalize unt=
around september.
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
the efflorescence removed from the brickwork,
except nobody did anything like that around here.
Then why was the brickwork cleaner on your side of your shitshack
half-a-house, DildoRider? You never high pressure sprayed the outer
walls? LOL
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
the vines taken off the east side of the house,
there were never vines on the east side of the house. maybe you're
confusing a honeysuckle and some rose of sharon as a "vine"? funny t=
the east side of the house is the only side visible from street view,=
though. why don't you tell me something about the west side of the =
in the driveway alley? hmmm?
It had vines on it, too, but they were mostly dead... less sun, I
assume. Also, you should do away with those glass block basement
windows, or at least put metal grating over them. They're very easy to=
kick in. Moron.
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
the new downspout...
what new downspout? now, you're just making shit up.
"also, in recent news, i just had a hundred-year-old slate roof and
gutters replaced and my house wiring brought up to date. now i'm
working on stripping...". Lying Moron. LOL
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
it's still an overgrown dry-rotted piece of shit. You should fix
the porch gable.
show me a pic of what you're talking about, snickers. i'll post a pi=
c =
what it looks like 4 years after google took the pic that you are
If you can't see the dry rot, then you deserve to have your shitshack
half-a-house hovel fall down around you, DildoRider. Go drop some more=
money into that fucking money pit. Maybe you'll break even in the next=
couple decades. LOL
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
free clue: there's not even a dilapidated about-to-fall-down tree a=
t =
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
address right next door anymore. the new owner fixed the roof and =
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
doing a bunch of other work to get it ready for a renter. also, i g=
ot =
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
new car a while ago.
Red, right?
nope. that's one of the neighbor's. red civic that's been parking =
for about 6 years. a new girl just moved into that art collective th=
month and has another red car.
Ah, that's what it was. A different car, so I assumed it was yours.
Yeah, you sure live in a "good neighborhood"... you've had three car
break-ins *on* *your* *little* *section* *of* *street* in the past
three months. LOL
mine is a gray 2012 accord. see them on
google? no? hold your breath and wait, snickers. LOL
now maybe we can all see the context of your desperate k'lames of =
me where i live.
Awww, DildoRider forgets he *invited* me to visit. LOL
let's see how many years it takes for google to update
their imagery to show an additional red car and a gray accord in my
parking area while you keep pretending it's a real-time window that y=
can peep through at your victims and try desperately to konvince them=
you "RILLY, RILLY" are a r/l stalkerPsycho.
here's another hint: the yellow ford station wagon behind the house i=
n =
parking area was the old lady's from next door before she left it
deteriorate for years before she fell ill and passed away. that was
removed and scrapped 3 months ago.
Nice bleatage, DildoRider. You're obviously perturbed by having been
caught in several lies. LOL
i eagerly await your image (or verbose description) of the "porch gab=
that you claim needs to be repaired, snickers. we'll get down to the=
bottom of this.
I've already described it. You've got dry rot. Moron.
-- =




If my poasts are offensive to you, you can always block all From: header=
s =

containing "***@", unless you are an idiot who would like to =

yammer about "morphing" and maybe try to lodge some frivolous complaints=

to my news provider, then please be sure to ignore this helpful =

information and have fun making an ass of yourself in public. :)

if that route of silencing those horrid opinions of mine that you =

downloaded to your computer under duress doesn't work you can always try=
: =


The Gish Gallop is often used as an indirect argument from authority =E2=
=80=94 as =

it appears to paint the galloper as an expert in a broad range of subjec=
ts =

or with an extensive knowledge of an individual one. Simultaneously it =

presents opponents (in spoken debates) or refuters (in written, =

Internet-based ones) as incompetent bumblers who didn't do their homewor=
k =

before the debate. Such emphasis on style over substance is the reason =

many scientists disdain public debates as a forum for disseminating =

opinions. - Page #1 from the Gospel of SnickerTurd

Coming soon! To a newsgroup near you!:

$ perl fakeyBot.pl
FakeyBot> I'm FakeyBot. What's your name so I can Google-stalk you=
, =

look you up on Radaris, and hurl invective and probably-illegal harrassi=
ng =

bile from behind an anonymous dizum account? <snicker>
You> Robert Michael Wolfe
FakeyBot> Oh look, you're back again to polish my size 16 steel-to=
ed =

boot with your colon and listen to me talk about bestiality and cocks, =

Robert. <snicker>
Robert> you talk about cocks a lot.
FakeyBot> Oh, I talk about sex a lot?
Robert> gay sex, mostly...
FakeyBot> Fag!

(just as useful as the original!)

snickers the wonderturd describes how he alerted lots of his kiddie pr0n=

friends to the ensuing FBI sting in message =

"That's easy enough to do... how do you think my crew uncovered the
largest CP ring using Tor and I2P, which we promptly turned over to
the FBI? I discovered a way to uncover the IP addresses the I2P users we=
re =

using, and a way of tracking Eepsites back to their IP addresses, then w=
e =

figured out that we could DDOS a Tor IP address and modify Tor headers =

while checking whether a Tor hidden service was still up, then using =

process of elimination to pinpoint the IP address hosting that hidden =

service. It's not rocket science.

_The I2P community got all up in arms when I discussed on their forum ho=
w =

I was doing it, and that it'd be a good way of cleaning up I2P so it can=

get on with being a platform to research anonymous communication... my =

distinct impression was that the "anonymity
research platform" story was just a cover story to allow pervs to
trade CP._ (NOTE: admits to participating in what he "suspected" was a =

kiddie pr0n network.)

That Silk Road 2.0 was taken offline in the ensuing FBI Operation
Onymous was just icing on the cake."
Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
2015-12-17 16:59:23 UTC
Time to spin the kooks up again. Melt, kooks, melt. <snicker>

Robert Michael Wolfe the Pittsburgh Pied Piper Of Penis (aka
DildoRider) of 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey),
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
On Wed, 16 Dec 2015 00:19:15 -0500, Friendly Neighborhood Vote
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
File datestamps can easily be manipulated, embedded date and time
stamps, not so easily without being detected.
those would ALSO be there inside the jpg headers of the file.
wouldn't they?
wouldn't they?
And they would be easily falsified, thus rendering your vaporware
"security camera" images inadmissible as evidence of any sort in any
court of law... which is, after all, sort of the point of a security
camera system, you moron. Conversely, embedded images, if the date and
time stamp were altered, could be analyzed and such fiddling easily
detected, you moron.

So yet again you demonstrate that you have no fucking clue what you're
doing or talking about, mainly because you're lying out your gaping
anonymous-john rough-trade dating-website cock-ravaged tranny-faggoty
lying libtarded ass about the whole thing. LOL

I note the whole chorus of <crickets> as regards that heavy
boot-stomping you received in the rest of my post.

Moron. LOL
Libtard. LOL
DildoRider. LOL
Robert Michael Wolfe the Pittsburgh Pied Piper Of Penis (aka
DildoRider, aka Teh Mop Jockey)
5907 Stanton Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA
(412) 799-0532
(412) 665-8289
(412) 404-8757

DildoRider admits he's stoooopid:
MID: <***@dizum.com>
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
it appears I've kicked your ass so hard it's
damaged your brain, DildoRider.
then it appears that you like shooting fish in
barrels, intellectually lazy fuckhead that you are.
Well, you've just admitted that intellectually kicking your ass is
akin to shooting fish in a barrel... IOW, you've admitted that you're
stoooopid. No un-ringing that bell.


DildoRider admits he's "really stupid" (his words). LOL
MID: <***@dizum.com>
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
so what you're saying is that your targets for attack
have to be really stupid or else you can't manage?

DildoRider admits much more about himself:
MID: <***@dizum.com>
"absolutely and completely retarded, insane, gay, ugly, smelly,
toothless, dirt-poor, incontinent and possibly homeless"

This is a libtard's method of "winning", for fuck sake.

"Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
2015-12-17 17:18:27 UTC
On Thu, 17 Dec 2015 11:59:23 -0500, Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler =
Time to spin the kooks up again. Melt, kooks, melt. <snicker>
Robert Michael Wolfe the Pittsburgh Pied Piper Of Penis (aka
DildoRider) of 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey),=
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
On Wed, 16 Dec 2015 00:19:15 -0500, Friendly Neighborhood Vote
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
File datestamps can easily be manipulated, embedded date and time
stamps, not so easily without being detected.
those would ALSO be there inside the jpg headers of the file.
wouldn't they?
wouldn't they?
And they would be easily falsified, thus rendering your vaporware
"security camera" images inadmissible as evidence of any sort in any
court of law... which is, after all, sort of the point of a security
camera system, you moron. Conversely, embedded images, if the date and=
time stamp were altered, could be analyzed and such fiddling easily
detected, you moron.
clearly, you are an idiot. people are arrested because of =

non-time-stamped digital evidence every day.

try again, loser.

my script would simply grab the timestamp out of the jpg headers and =

overlay it on the image, btw. therefore, according to your logic, it =

would be easily analyzed and determined that the embedded and visible =

timestamps are the same. so what's the big deal again?
So yet again you demonstrate that you have no fucking clue what you're=
doing or talking about, mainly because you're lying out your gaping
anonymous-john rough-trade dating-website cock-ravaged tranny-faggoty
lying libtarded ass about the whole thing. LOL
I note the whole chorus of <crickets> as regards that heavy
boot-stomping you received in the rest of my post.
you should also note that you can't even answer a simple question asked =
of =

you about the "porch gable" that you felt that you had to mention, =

therefore ignoring the rest of your bullshit seems natural to me.
Moron. LOL
Libtard. LOL
DildoRider. LOL
you forgot to snicker, fucktard.

-- =




If my poasts are offensive to you, you can always block all From: header=
s =

containing "***@", unless you are an idiot who would like to =

yammer about "morphing" and maybe try to lodge some frivolous complaints=

to my news provider, then please be sure to ignore this helpful =

information and have fun making an ass of yourself in public. :)

if that route of silencing those horrid opinions of mine that you =

downloaded to your computer under duress doesn't work you can always try=
: =


The Gish Gallop is often used as an indirect argument from authority =E2=
=80=94 as =

it appears to paint the galloper as an expert in a broad range of subjec=
ts =

or with an extensive knowledge of an individual one. Simultaneously it =

presents opponents (in spoken debates) or refuters (in written, =

Internet-based ones) as incompetent bumblers who didn't do their homewor=
k =

before the debate. Such emphasis on style over substance is the reason =

many scientists disdain public debates as a forum for disseminating =

opinions. - Page #1 from the Gospel of SnickerTurd

Coming soon! To a newsgroup near you!:

$ perl fakeyBot.pl
FakeyBot> I'm FakeyBot. What's your name so I can Google-stalk you=
, =

look you up on Radaris, and hurl invective and probably-illegal harrassi=
ng =

bile from behind an anonymous dizum account? <snicker>
You> Robert Michael Wolfe
FakeyBot> Oh look, you're back again to polish my size 16 steel-to=
ed =

boot with your colon and listen to me talk about bestiality and cocks, =

Robert. <snicker>
Robert> you talk about cocks a lot.
FakeyBot> Oh, I talk about sex a lot?
Robert> gay sex, mostly...
FakeyBot> Fag!

(just as useful as the original!)

snickers the wonderturd describes how he alerted lots of his kiddie pr0n=

friends to the ensuing FBI sting in message =

"That's easy enough to do... how do you think my crew uncovered the
largest CP ring using Tor and I2P, which we promptly turned over to
the FBI? I discovered a way to uncover the IP addresses the I2P users we=
re =

using, and a way of tracking Eepsites back to their IP addresses, then w=
e =

figured out that we could DDOS a Tor IP address and modify Tor headers =

while checking whether a Tor hidden service was still up, then using =

process of elimination to pinpoint the IP address hosting that hidden =

service. It's not rocket science.

_The I2P community got all up in arms when I discussed on their forum ho=
w =

I was doing it, and that it'd be a good way of cleaning up I2P so it can=

get on with being a platform to research anonymous communication... my =

distinct impression was that the "anonymity
research platform" story was just a cover story to allow pervs to
trade CP._ (NOTE: admits to participating in what he "suspected" was a =

kiddie pr0n network.)

That Silk Road 2.0 was taken offline in the ensuing FBI Operation
Onymous was just icing on the cake."
2015-12-17 18:25:47 UTC
On Thu, 17 Dec 2015 12:18:27 -0500, "\"Fakey's\" dogwhistle holder
living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey),
socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117"
you should also note that you can't even answer a simple question asked of
you about the "porch gable" that you felt that you had to mention,
therefore ignoring the rest of your bullshit seems natural to me.
His trademark...bait and switch
Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
2015-12-18 05:05:55 UTC
Time to spin the kooks up again. Melt, kooks, melt. <snicker>

Robert Michael Wolfe the Pittsburgh Pied Piper Of Penis (aka
DildoRider) of 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey),
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
On Thu, 17 Dec 2015 11:59:23 -0500, Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler
Time to spin the kooks up again. Melt, kooks, melt. <snicker>
Robert Michael Wolfe the Pittsburgh Pied Piper Of Penis (aka
DildoRider) of 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey),
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
On Wed, 16 Dec 2015 00:19:15 -0500, Friendly Neighborhood Vote
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
File datestamps can easily be manipulated, embedded date and time
stamps, not so easily without being detected.
those would ALSO be there inside the jpg headers of the file.
wouldn't they?
wouldn't they?
And they would be easily falsified, thus rendering your vaporware
"security camera" images inadmissible as evidence of any sort in any
court of law... which is, after all, sort of the point of a security
camera system, you moron. Conversely, embedded images, if the date and
time stamp were altered, could be analyzed and such fiddling easily
detected, you moron.
clearly, you are an idiot. people are arrested because of
non-time-stamped digital evidence every day.
And that "evidence" can easily be contested in court, because there's
no way to determine whether the file time and date has been changed.
Whereas an embedded time-and-date stamp in the image would be more
difficult to change without there being some evidence of having
tampered with the file. That is, after all, why *real* security
systems (as opposed to your vaporware bullshit lie of a "security
system") include date and time stamps in the images.

Clearly you are an idiot. LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
try again, loser.
Says the loser who knows so little about security systems that he's
already proven he's lying about having one. LOL

Where are those images from your vaporware multi-camera "security
system", DildoRider. LOL

Clearly you are an idiot. LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
my script would simply grab the timestamp out of the jpg headers and
overlay it on the image, btw.
Which would mean the image has been tampered with, which would
automatically exclude it as admissible in a court of law.

Clearly, you are an idiot. LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
therefore, according to your logic, it
would be easily analyzed and determined that the embedded and visible
timestamps are the same. so what's the big deal again?
Because you're tampering with the original image, and there's no way
to determine if you tampered with the file timestamp to correspond to
the tampered image timestamp. Thus, any half-competent attorney would
have that image excluded as evidence.

Clearly, you are an idiot. LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
So yet again you demonstrate that you have no fucking clue what you're
doing or talking about, mainly because you're lying out your gaping
anonymous-john rough-trade dating-website cock-ravaged tranny-faggoty
lying libtarded ass about the whole thing. LOL
I note the whole chorus of <crickets> as regards that heavy
boot-stomping you received in the rest of my post.
you should also note that you can't even answer a simple question asked of
you about the "porch gable" that you felt that you had to mention,
therefore ignoring the rest of your bullshit seems natural to me.
Says the moron who's now k'laming I said "gable roof", when he doesn't
even know what a gable is.

Clearly, you are an idiot. LOL
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
Moron. LOL
Libtard. LOL
DildoRider. LOL
you forgot to snicker, fucktard.
Idiot. LOL
Moron. LOL
Libtard. LOL
DildoRider. LOL
Robert Michael Wolfe the Pittsburgh Pied Piper Of Penis (aka
DildoRider, aka Teh Mop Jockey)
5907 Stanton Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA
(412) 799-0532
(412) 665-8289
(412) 404-8757

DildoRider admits he's stoooopid:
MID: <***@dizum.com>
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
it appears I've kicked your ass so hard it's
damaged your brain, DildoRider.
then it appears that you like shooting fish in
barrels, intellectually lazy fuckhead that you are.
Well, you've just admitted that intellectually kicking your ass is
akin to shooting fish in a barrel... IOW, you've admitted that you're
stoooopid. No un-ringing that bell.


DildoRider admits he's "really stupid" (his words). LOL
MID: <***@dizum.com>
Post by "Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
so what you're saying is that your targets for attack
have to be really stupid or else you can't manage?

DildoRider admits much more about himself:
MID: <***@dizum.com>
"absolutely and completely retarded, insane, gay, ugly, smelly,
toothless, dirt-poor, incontinent and possibly homeless"

This is a libtard's method of "winning", for fuck sake.

2015-12-18 06:30:35 UTC
On Fri, 18 Dec 2015 06:05:55 +0100 (CET), Friendly Neighborhood Vote
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
Says the
"Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117
2015-12-18 15:34:46 UTC
On Fri, 18 Dec 2015 06:05:55 +0100 (CET), Friendly Neighborhood Attent=
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
Says the
says the: my "porch gable" that i don't have needs to be repaired!


-- =




If my poasts are offensive to you, you can always block all From: header=
s =

containing "***@", unless you are an idiot who would like to =

yammer about "morphing" and maybe try to lodge some frivolous complaints=

to my news provider, then please be sure to ignore this helpful =

information and have fun making an ass of yourself in public. :)

if that route of silencing those horrid opinions of mine that you =

downloaded to your computer under duress doesn't work you can always try=
: =


The Gish Gallop is often used as an indirect argument from authority =E2=
=80=94 as =

it appears to paint the galloper as an expert in a broad range of subjec=
ts =

or with an extensive knowledge of an individual one. Simultaneously it =

presents opponents (in spoken debates) or refuters (in written, =

Internet-based ones) as incompetent bumblers who didn't do their homewor=
k =

before the debate. Such emphasis on style over substance is the reason =

many scientists disdain public debates as a forum for disseminating =

opinions. - Page #1 from the Gospel of SnickerTurd

Coming soon! To a newsgroup near you!:

$ perl fakeyBot.pl
FakeyBot> I'm FakeyBot. What's your name so I can Google-stalk you=
, =

look you up on Radaris, and hurl invective and probably-illegal harrassi=
ng =

bile from behind an anonymous dizum account? <snicker>
You> Robert Michael Wolfe
FakeyBot> Oh look, you're back again to polish my size 16 steel-to=
ed =

boot with your colon and listen to me talk about bestiality and cocks, =

Robert. <snicker>
Robert> you talk about cocks a lot.
FakeyBot> Oh, I talk about sex a lot?
Robert> gay sex, mostly...
FakeyBot> Fag!

(just as useful as the original!)

snickers the wonderturd describes how he alerted lots of his kiddie pr0n=

friends to the ensuing FBI sting in message =

"That's easy enough to do... how do you think my crew uncovered the
largest CP ring using Tor and I2P, which we promptly turned over to
the FBI? I discovered a way to uncover the IP addresses the I2P users we=
re =

using, and a way of tracking Eepsites back to their IP addresses, then w=
e =

figured out that we could DDOS a Tor IP address and modify Tor headers =

while checking whether a Tor hidden service was still up, then using =

process of elimination to pinpoint the IP address hosting that hidden =

service. It's not rocket science.

_The I2P community got all up in arms when I discussed on their forum ho=
w =

I was doing it, and that it'd be a good way of cleaning up I2P so it can=

get on with being a platform to research anonymous communication... my =

distinct impression was that the "anonymity
research platform" story was just a cover story to allow pervs to
trade CP._ (NOTE: admits to participating in what he "suspected" was a =

kiddie pr0n network.)

That Silk Road 2.0 was taken offline in the ensuing FBI Operation
Onymous was just icing on the cake."

2015-12-17 18:24:52 UTC
On Thu, 17 Dec 2015 17:59:23 +0100 (CET), Friendly Neighborhood Vote
Post by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus
anonymous-john rough-trade dating-website cock-ravaged tranny-faggoty